Case Western Reserve University
MetroHealth Medical Center
Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Director: Robert Elston, Ph.D.
Address, phone, e-mail


This program provides predoctoral and postdoctoral training specifically in the areas of statistical genetic analysis and genetic epidemiology, with applications to the study of risk factors for cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. After providing only postdoctoral training for the first seventeen years, the program was expanded in 2000 to provide both predoctoral and postdoctoral training. Predoctoral training is for the Ph.D. degree in Epidemiology and Biostatistics through the Division of Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology (http://genepi.case.edu). The most important mode of training for postdoctoral students is that of conducting collaborative research with faculty: methodological research (using mathematical derivations or computer simulations) and/or substantive research by means of data analysis, using a computer; in the latter case, there is strong interaction with established research workers in the areas of application. All trainees attend regularly scheduled seminars and certain lecture and/or reading courses, including mandatory lectures in bioethics. A particular feature of the program is the presence of intemationally known biostatisticians/geneticists/genetic epidemiologists as visitors, for periods of a few days to a week, giving seminars and short courses in their particular fields of specialty and talking to the trainees about their research projects.

Areas of special emphasis:

Equal stress is placed on training individuals who (1) make advances in biometric-genetic analysis and (2) are equipped to apply the most modern methods of biometric-genetic analysis, specifically for the analysis of family data.

Type of Training: Pre-doctoral

Key Faculty:

Robert C. Elston, Ph.D.; Professor; Case Western Reserve University
Katrina A.B. Goddard, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor, Case Wester Reserve University

Last updated: January, 2007

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