Endangered Species Program
Midwest Region


Species Information

Listed Species in the Upper Midwest

Listed Species' Ranges by State and County

Candidate Species

Species of Concern

Featured Species

Bald Eagle

Canada Lynx

Freshwater Mussels

Gray Wolf

Indiana Bat

Karner Blue Butterfly

Kirtland's Warbler

Piping Plover

Whooping Crane

Endangered Species Act









S7 Consultation


Regional Office Staff

ES Field Offices





Recovery is the process used to restore threatened and endangered species to the point that protection under the Endangered Species Act is no longer needed.


Below are the steps and actions we take to recover listed species:


Planning: Prepare recovery outlines and recovery plans for listed species. This is the planning portion of the recovery process. A recovery outline is the foundation for a Recovery Plan. Recovery Plans identify and prioritize actions necessary to conserve the subject species. Recovery Plans also provide information about the species life history, habitat requirements, and threats.


Conservation Activities: Carry out the actions identified in Recovery Plans. We and many partners collaborate to carry out the actions identified in Recovery Plans. Species-specific conservation actions can be found by going to the list of species found in the Upper Midwest and click on the species common name.


Issue Recovery Permits: Recovery permits allow people to work with or on listed species, either in a research capacty or for specific management purposes. Actions that are permitted must improve our capability to recover listed species.


Monitor: Conduct status assessments, such as 5-year reviews, to monitor the population health of species and threats to their existence.


Change Species ESA Status: We reclassify species from endangered to threatened as a species population health improves or reclassify from threatened to endangered as a species population health declines or threats increase. We delist species (i.e., remove from the list of threatened and endangered species) when their status improves to the point of recovery. Recovery is measured not only by population health, but also by assurance that threats are addressed.

Missouri bladderpod was changed from endangered to threatened


Delist: After a species has recovered and is delisted, we monitor that species for a minimum of 5 years to ensure its lasting stability.


Bald Eagle
Gray Wolf - Western Great Lakes


Links to more information about Recovery:


Our National Endangered Species Recovery website has more detailed information about the Recovery process, including policies and guidances.


Recovery Plans for species found in the upper Midwest (Region 3)


5-Year Reviews for species found in the upper Midwest (Region 3)


Recovery Permits for species found in the upper Midwest (Region 3)


View the list of all threatened and endangered species in the upper Midwest (Region 3). Follow the species links for more information.




Last updated: June 17, 2008