"Table 12: Low-Cost Carrier Full-time Equivalent Employees,* January 2004-2008**",,,,,,,, (Ranked by January 2008 FTEs),,,,,,,, Rank,,2004***,2005***,2006,2007****,2008,Percent Change , ,,,,,,,2004-2008,2007-2008 1,Southwest,"32,484","31,011","31,430","32,490","34,186",5.2,5.2 2,US Airways,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,"32,674",N/A,N/A 3,JetBlue,"5,248","6,849","8,812","9,538","10,398",98.1,9.0 4,AirTran,"5,458","5,866","6,684","7,359","8,058",47.6,9.5 5,Frontier,"3,468","4,091","4,179","4,545","5,274",52.1,16.0 6,ATA,"6,949","5,810","3,199","2,418","2,233",-67.9,-7.7 7,Spirit,"2,405","2,475","2,055","2,065","2,224",-7.5,7.7 8,SkyBus,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,431,N/A,N/A 9,Virgin America*****,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 10,Independence,"3,935","4,019",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 11,America West,"11,297","11,480","11,435","12,435",N/A,N/A,N/A ,Total,"71,244","71,601","67,794","70,850","95,478",34.0,34.8 Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,,,,, * Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculations count two part-time employees as one full-time employee.,,,,,,,, "** US Airways’ employment numbers were included with the network airlines prior to October 2007. Beginning with October 2007, US Airways’ numbers are combined with America West Airlines’ numbers in the low-cost category.",,,,,,,, "***Employment numbers in 2004 and 2005 for Independence Air, which changed its business model from a regional to low-cost carrier in mid-2004, are included with low-cost carriers. The carrier did not meet the standard for filing in previous years. The airline discontinued flights on Jan. 5, 2006.",,,,,,,, ****Virgin America and SkyBus began reporting employment data in August 2007,,,,,,,, ***** Virgin America failed to file January 2008 employment numbers,,,,,,,, "N/A: Carriers did not meet the standard for filing, was no longer operating, merged with another operating carrier or failed to file. See previous notes.",,,,,,,, Note: Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding.,,,,,,,, Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,