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[ Intro ] [ World War I Listing ] [ World War II Listing ] [ Korean War Listing ]

World War II Listing

Type the last name, a space, and the first name or initial of the first name of the World War II casualty you would like to find, then click the Search button.

We only have the records of those casualties that are buried in our cemeteries or listed on the Walls of the Missing -- a total of 176,399 records. There were 405,399 American casualties in World War II. The search window above must NOT be blank when the search button is clicked.

You also may view all of our World War II Army and Air Force casualties from a specific UNIT or by STATE AND CEMETERY. You can also search by what COUNTRY the person entered the service from.

If you are a family member planning to visit a grave or memorialization site, we suggest that upon arrival at the cemetery you go directly to the visitor center where a staff member will be honored to escort you to the grave or Tablet of the Missing.
