Table 8: Change in FTE Employees from the Previous Year*,,,, Percentage change compared to same month the previous year,,,, Month,Network Carriers (Pct. Change),"Low-Cost Carriers** (Pct. Change)",Regional Carriers*** (Pct. Change),All Passenger Airlines**** (Pct. Change) Dec. 2003-Dec. 2004,-3.5,0.5,29.4,0.7 Jan. 2004-Jan. 2005,-4.3,0.4,15.8,-1.0 Feb. 2004-Feb. 2005,-4.6,0.6,13.8,-1.4 Mar. 2004-Mar. 2005,-5.0,0.0,13.3,-1.9 Apr. 2004-Apr. 2005,-6.5,-0.7,12.2,-3.1 May 2004-May 2005,-6.7,-1.0,10.9,-3.4 * Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculations count part-time workers as one-half of a full-time employee.,,,, "**Employment numbers in 2003, 2004 and 2005 for Independence Air, which changed its business model from a regional to low-cost carrier in mid-2004, are included with low-cost carriers. ",,,, "***2005 Regional data include results from one newly reporting airline that was not required to report employment data in 2004: PSA Airlines. The regional airline category, including only those airlines that reported employment data in both May 2004 and 2005, recorded A 7.7 percent growth rate.",,,, "**** Includes network, low-cost, regional and other carriers.",,,, Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,