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Cross-Cutting Evaluations

topFederal Education Legislation Enacted in 1994: An Evaluation of Implementation and Impact (April 1999)
This legislation aims to answer three questions about the Improving America's Schools Act, the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, and the School to Work Opportunities Act: How well are federal programs authorized in these three laws achieving the desired outcomes? Are these programs being implemented effectively? Do these programs demonstrate sound performance accountability? Here is the executive summary and press release.

topStudy of Education Resources and Federal Funding: Final Report
This report examines where the federal education dollar goes and what the money buys for six of the Department's largest elementary-secondary programs: Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title II (Eisenhower Professional Development), Title III (Technology Literacy Challenge Fund), Title IV (Safe and Drug-Free Schools), Title VI, and Goals 2000. The study examines the extent to which program funds are used for various strategies for improving student achievement, including professional development, technology, extended learning time, and schoolwide reform and improvement. The study examines the targeting of funds at the district and school levels, the uses of Title I funds at the district and school levels, the comparability of state and local resources in Title I and non-Title I schools, and the impact of Title I funds on total resource levels in different types of schools. A preliminary report for this study was released in 1999; this final report presents a more comprehensive set of findings from this study.

Here is the Executive Summary in Word [755K] and PDF [652K]. (2000)

topMaking Progress: An Update on State Implementation of Federal Education Laws Enacted in 1994
The 1998 study follows up on baseline information collected during late fall 1996 and early winter 1997, analyzing the ways in which state administrators have continued to respond to the legislative framework enacted in 1994. The baseline and follow-up studies point to progress not only in initiating new administrative routines but also in developing a new outlook on program purposes and priorities. Although state administrators as of 1998 had not uniformly incorporated standards-based, data-driven reform in their daily work, these studies provide evidence that they had moved in that direction in some respects and might be more strongly encouraged and helped to do so in other respects. The Analysis and Highlights provides a summary of the study findings.

The full report, in PDF (489K) and MS Word (1.1MB), is also available.

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Technology Literacy Challenge Programs: Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, Technology Innovation Challenge Grants, and National Activities (including E-Rate)

topE-Rate and the Digital Divide: A Preliminary Analysis From the Integrated Studies of Educational Technology:
This publication looks at how access to telecommunications and the Internet in schools and communities is changing American education. The report is based on an analysis of E-Rate administrative records covering the first two years of program operation that were linked to detailed national data on all public and private schools and libraries in the U.S. (a combined total of nearly one million records).

The full report is available in PDF . The text of the report (without graphics and appendices) is available in Word . (2000).

topTechnology Connections for School Improvement Planners' Handbook and Teacher's Guide:
These companion documents provide a comprehensive approach to developing a school or district technology plan. Research findings and case scenarios of best practices, Internet-based resources, suggested action steps, and planning tools are included. The Planners' Handbook (PDF ) is designed for those who seek to engage stakeholders in a technology planning process to enhance learning opportunities and school improvement efforts. The Teacher's Guide (PDF ) is designed to assist classroom teachers who are just beginning to integrate technology into their daily practices.

topAn Educator's Guide to Evaluating the Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms.
December 1998

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21st Century Community Learning Centers

topWhen Schools Stay Open Late: The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (December 2002)
This is the first of three reports from the national evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program, a federal grant program authorized in 1994 to support school-based academic and recreational activities after school. The first-year findings, based on a rigorous large-scale evaluation, provide little evidence of academic improvement and no evidence of improvement in a variety of out-of-school outcomes including no reduction in the number of "latchkey" kids. Programs are fully operational, but participants do not regularly attend and the programs do not broadly offer high quality academic content. Additional data from a second follow-up year and from newly included elementary programs will be the basis for two future reports.

Executive Summary and Full Report

topContinuous Improvement Management Guide for 21st Century Schools
On-going self-assessment and self-evaluation are critical for ensuring that your project is meeting its objectives and having a positive impact on the children it serves. This guide to management and evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers outlines the Continuous Improvement Management process of project management and includes a framework and a set of tools to help project managers monitor and improve their programs.

The Guide to Continuous Improvement Management For 21st Century Community Learning Centers is available as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. (4.6MB).

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