Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 6
Airlinea Passenger Screening Results

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  1985 1990 1995 2000 2001
Persons screened (millions) 993 1,145 1,263 1,812 1,320
Firearms detected 2,913 R2,549 2,390 1,937 1,071
Handguns 2,823 2,490 2,230 1,643 1,008
Long guns (rifles) 90 59 160 294 63
Persons arrested          
Carrying firearms/explosives 1,310 1,336 1,194 600 362
Giving false information 42 18 68 61 90

a Includes operators with a U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration operating certificate engaged in scheduled passenger or public charter passenger operations and airports at which these operations are conducted.

Key: R = revised.

Sources: 1985-USDOT, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Semiannual Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of the Civil Aviation Security Program, July 1- December 31, 1985 (Washington, DC: May 1986). 1990-2001-USDOT, FAA, Office of Civil Aviation Security Policy and Planning, Annual Report to Congress on Civil Aviation Security (Washington, DC: Annual issues), and personal communications, May 27, 1999, Mar. 29, 2000, Aug. 7, 2001, and Sept. 13, 2002.