Table 20,,,,,,, Value of U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Mode of Transportation: 2001,,,,,,, (Millions of current U.S. dollars),,,,,,, ,Exports,"Modal %",Imports,"Modal %","Total trade","Total modal %", ,,,,,,, Total,"731,026",100.0,"1,141,959",100.0,"1,872,985",100.0, Water,"198,841",27.2,"519,607",45.5,"718,448",38.4, Air,"251,494",34.4,"267,107",23.4,"518,602",27.7, Truck,"191,918",26.3,"203,507",17.8,"395,425",21.1, Rail,"23,362",3.2,"69,255",6.1,"92,617",4.9, Pipeline,517,0.1,"25,910",2.3,"26,428",1.4, "Other, unknown, & miscellaneous","64,894",8.9,"56,573",5.0,"121,466",6.5, "Notes: Numbers may not sum to total due to rounding. Water—Excludes intransit data (merchandise shipped from one foreign country to another via a U.S. water port). Imports—Excludes imports valued at less than $1,250. Import value is based on U.S. general imports, customs value basis. Exports—Excludes exports valued at less than $2,500. Export value is FAS (free alongside ship) and represents the value of exports at the port of export, including the transaction price and inland freight, insurance, and other charges.",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, "Sources: Compiled by USDOT, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), May 2002. Water and air data—U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Exports of Merchandise, CD-ROM and U.S. Imports of Merchandise, CD-ROM, December 2001. Total, truck, rail, pipeline, other and unknown data—USDOT, BTS, Transborder Surface Freight Data 2002.",,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,