Table 16,,,,, Amtrak On-Time Performance Trends and Hours of Delay by Cause,,,,, ,1980,1985,1990,1995,2000 On-time performance,,,,, Total system,69%,81%,76%,76%,78% "Short distance (<400 miles) ",71%,82%,82%,81%,81% "Long distance (>=400 miles) ",64%,78%,53%,57%,56% Hours of delay by causea,,,,, Amtrakb,N,N,"3,565","5,527","20,187" Freightc,N,N,"4,244","11,224","33,718" Otherd,N,N,"4,316","8,497","14,718" Totale,N,N,"12,126","25,248","68,623" "a Amtrak changed its method for reporting delays in 2000. Therefore, 2000 data are not comparable to prior years. b Includes equipment malfunctions, train servicing in stations, and passenger-related delays. c Includes maintenance of way/slow orders, freight train interference, signal delays. d Includes passenger train interference, waiting for connections, running time, weather-related delays, and miscellaneous. e Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.",,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, Key: N = data do not exist.,,,,, Notes: All percentages are based on Amtrak's fiscal year (Oct. 1–Sept. 30). ,,,,, Amtrak trips are considered delayed based on the following chart:,,,,, ,Trip length (miles) ,"Arrival time delay (minutes)",,, ,0–250,10,,, ,251–350,15,,, ,351–450,20,,, ,451–550,25,,, ,> 551,30,,, "Source: Various sources, as cited in USDOT, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002), table 1-66.",,,,, ,,,,,