Table 1,,,,,,,,, The Transportation Network: 2001,,,,,,,,, Highway,,,,,,,,, Public roads,,,,,,,,, "46,717 miles of Interstate highway",,,,,,,,, "114,700 miles of other National Highway System roads",,,,,,,,, "3,801,849 miles of other roads",,,,,,,,, Air,,,,,,,,, Public-use airports,,,,,,,,, "5,315 airports",,,,,,,,, Airports serving large certificated carriers,,,,,,,,, "29 large hub areas (72 airports), 445 million enplaned passengers (see Glossary for ""hub"" definition)",,,,,,,,, "31 medium hub areas (52 airports), 95 million enplaned passengers ",,,,,,,,, "55 small hub areas (72 airports), 36 million enplaned passengers",,,,,,,,, "598 nonhub areas (622 airports), 16 million enplaned passengers",,,,,,,,, Rail,,,,,,,,, Miles of railroad operateda,, "97,631 miles by Class I freight railroads in the United Statesb",, "17,439 miles by regional freight railroads",, "27,563 miles by local freight railroads",, "22,741 miles by Amtrak (passenger) (2000)",, Urban transit,, Directional route-milesc,, "Bus: 160,506 (2000)",, Trolley bus: 471,, "Commuter rail: 5,209",, "Heavy rail: 1,572",, Light rail: 892,, Stations,, "Commuter rail: 1,155",, "Heavy rail: 1,019",, Light rail: 628,, Water,, (2000),, "26,000 miles of navigable waterways",, Ferry routes: 487,, Commercial waterway facilitiesd,, Great Lakes:,611 deep-draft, ,143 shallow-draft, Inland:,"2,367 shallow-draft", Ocean:,"4,079 deep-draft", ,"2,109 shallow-draft", Locks:,276, Pipeline,, Oil,, "Crude lines: 76,658 miles of pipe ",, "Product lines: 87,123 miles of pipe ",, Gas (2000),, "Transmission: 250,000 miles of pipe ",,,,,,,,, "Distribution: 1,110,000 miles of pipe ",,,,,,,,, "a Amtrak mileage is included in rail categories, except for track they own in the Northeast Corridor and Michigan. b There are also 311 miles of railroad operated by U.S. Class I freight railroads in Canada and Mexico. c Directly operated service. Does not include contracted service. d See Glossary for definition of commercial waterway facilites.",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, "Sources: Various sources, as cited in USDOT, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002), table 1-1; Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002); USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2001 (Washington, DC: 2002); Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 16, 2002; USDOT, Federal Transit Administration, personal communication, special calculations from National Transit Database, Nov. 18, 2002; USDOT, BTS, Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Air Carriers, Summary Tables, 12 Months Ending Dec. 31, 2001 (Washington, DC: 2003).",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,