Context,1980,2001,,,,, Resident population (thous.),"226,542","284,797",,,,, Total area (thous. sq. mi.)a,"3,619","3,718 (1990)",,,,, Total civilian labor force (thous.),"106,940","141,815",,,,, Real gross domestic productb,$4.9 trillion,$9.2 trillion,,,,, Median household incomeb ,"$32,661 (1984)","$38,426 ",,,,, Average household expendituresb,"$32,020 (1984)","$36,070 ",,,,, Number of households (thous.),"80,776","R105,480 (2000)",,,,, Average life expectancy (years),73.7,P76.9 (2000),,,,, Labor force participation by women,46%,60%,,,,, "a 1980 data include the Great Lakes and inland and coastal water. 1990 data include inland water only. The Census Bureau tabulates area data for the decennial census years only. b Expressed in 1996 chained dollars (see Glossary for definition). c Earliest year available is 1984. d BTS computations, Nov. 15, 2002.",,,,,,, Key: P = preliminary data; R = revised. ,,,,,,, "Sources: Population, area, number of households—U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC), Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of United States: 2000, available at; GDP— USDOC, BEA; median household income—USDOC, Census, available at; average household income and expenditures, employment—U.S. Department of Labor, BLS, available at; life expectancy—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, available at",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,