Enhancing the Diversity of the Science and Engineering Workforce to Sustain America’s Leadership in the 21st Century

Executive Summary of the CEOSE Report to Congress

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  1. Introduction: Why Invest in a Diverse Workforce? (PDF 140K)

Tables available in Excel format.

2. K-12: An Inadequate Reservoir Of Future Scientists (PDF381K)
Tables available in Excel format.
3. Undergraduate Education: Looking Beyond The Traditional Pool (PDF 208K)
Tables available in Excel format.
4. Graduate Education: A Declining Share For SMET (PDF 217K)
Tables available in Excel format.
5. The Nondoctoral Technical Workforce: Shortage Of Skills Is Dampening Job Growth (PDF 90K)
Tables available in Excel format.
6. Doctoral Workforce: Traditional And Not-So-Traditional Career Paths (PDF 197K)
Tables available in Excel format.
7. Issues Internal To NSF (PDF 117K)
Tables available in Excel format.
Entire Report pdf entire report (1,397K)
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