Photo Essays
Troops Jam at Pentagon Tribute Concert
Marine Gen. General James E. Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, introduces award-winning Hollywood actor and part-time rocker Gary Sinise and "The Lt. Dan Band" at the 4th Annual America Supports You Military Tribute Concert as part of the Military Appreciation Month celebrations, Pentagon Courtyard May 16, 2008. Hollywood actor and part-time rocker Gary Sinise performs at the 4th Annual
America Supports You Military Tribute Concert as part of the Military
Appreciation Month celebrations. Sinise and "The Lt. Dan Band" jammed for a
standing-room-only crowd packed into the courtyard of the Pentagon, May 16, 2008. Hollywood actor and part-time rocker Gary Sinise performs at the 4th Annual America Supports You Military Tribute Concert as part of the Military Appreciation Month celebrations. Sinise and "The Lt. Dan Band" jammed for a standing-room-only crowd packed into the courtyard of the Pentagon, May 16, 2008.
Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Rene Rubiella, center, enjoys the noontime concert put on at the Pentagon by Gary Sinise and "The Lt. Dan Band" as part of the 4th Annual America Supports You Military Tribute Concert. Rubiella was here at the Pentagon following a ceremony where he received the President's Volunteer Service Award, May 16, 2008. Army Capt. Karla Wenninger, center, gets up on stage with other members of the crowd in the Pentagon courtyard as The "Lt. Dan Band" gets them involved in one of their songs during the 4th Annual America Supports You Military Tribute Concert, May 16, 2008. "The Lt. Dan Band" member Gina Gonzalez sings her tribute to the troops, "The Letter Home," during the 4th Annual America Supports You Military Tribute Concert at the Pentagon Courtyad May 16, 2008.Hollywood actor and part-time rocker Gary Sinise plays next to wounded warrior Marine Lance Cpl. Jeremy Stengel during the 4th Annual America Supports You Military Tribute Concert at the Pentagon, May 16, 2008. Stengel said the concert was a good break from his recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  "I thought it was awesome. I thought it was amazing," he said. Stengel was injured in Iraq, Feb. 2, 2007, by a roadside bomb.
Marine Gen. General James E. Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, introduces award-winning Hollywood actor and part-time rocker Gary Sinise and "The Lt. Dan Band" at the 4th Annual America Supports You Military Tribute Concert as part of the Military Appreciation Month celebrations, Pentagon Courtyard May 16, 2008.
Defense Dept. photo by Fred W. Baker III