Photo Essays
Gates Visits Fort Bliss, Texas
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates salutes as he and his wife, Becky, are greeted by Fort Bliss Commander Army Maj. Gen. Howard Bromberg and his wife, Glenda, upon their arrival on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and distinguished guests stand during the playing of the national anthem by the 82nd Army Band during a ceremony on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  During a combined retirement, enlistment and reenlistment ceremony, 71 enlistees took the oath of office and 34 soldiers retired from active duty.  Flags are lined up on a table to be given to U.S. soldiers who retired from active duty during a ceremony on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates congratulates U.S. Army retiree 1st Sgt. Vallez and thanks him for his service during a retirement ceremony on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  Fort Bliss Commander Army Maj. Gen. Howard Bromberg salutes Master Sgt. Gatewood during her retirement ceremony on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates addresses the audience during a combined retirement, enlistment and re-enlistment ceremony in which 71 enlistees took the oath of office and 34 retired from active duty on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates administers the oath of office to 45 new Army enlistees and 28 re-enlistees during a ceremony on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  Forty-five new Army enlistees and 28 re-enlistees take the oath of office administered by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  Forty-five new Army enlistees and 28 re-enlistees take a group photo with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates after taking the oath of office on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.  U.S. Army Staff Sgt. White sings the song, "American Soldier," following a combined retirement, enlistment and re-enlistment ceremony, where 71 members took the oath of office and 34 members retired from active duty on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates salutes as he and his wife, Becky, are greeted by Fort Bliss Commander Army Maj. Gen. Howard Bromberg and his wife, Glenda, upon their arrival on Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, April 30, 2008.
Defense Dept. photo by Cherie Cullen