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Medicare & Medicaid Statistical Supplement

Medicare & Medicaid Statistical Supplement

  Details for Figures 5.1-5.8 Medicare Short-Stay Hospital

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Chapter Figures 5.1-5.8 Medicare Short-Stay Hospital
Edition 2007
Table(s) N/A



Figures 5.1-5.8 Medicare Short-Stay Hospital -All  [ZIP, 52KB]

Figure 5.1
Changes in Medicare Short-Stay Hospital Program Payments: Calendar Years 1972-2005 [PDF, 15 KB]

Figure 5.2 Trends in Parameters of Medicare Beneficiary Stays in Short-Stay Hospitals: Calendar Years 1972-2005 [PDF, 10 KB]

Figure 5.3 Leading Principal Diagnostic Classifications for Medicare Beneficiaries Discharged from Short-Stay Hospitals,Based on Frequency: Calendar Year 2005  [PDF, 12 KB]

Figure 5.4 Medicare Principal Procedure Classifications for Medicare Beneficiaries Discharged from Short-Stay Hospitals, Based on Frequency: Calendar Year 2005  [PDF, 9 KB]

Figure 5.5  Five Most Frequent Medicare Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs) for Beneficiaries Discharged from Short-Stay Hospitals: Calendar Year 2005 [PDF, 12 KB]

Figure 5.6 Distribution of Medicare Short-Stay Hospitals, Discharges, and Payments, by Type of Control: Calendar Year 2005  [PDF, 12 KB]

Figure 5.7 Medicare Participating Hospitals, by Type of Hospital: Calendar Year 2005  [PDF, 9 KB]

Figure 5.8 Percent Distribution of Medicare Short-Stay Hospital Charges, by Type of Service: Calendar Years 1983 and 2005  [PDF, 18 KB]

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