Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Household Expenditures for Federal Gas Taxes Declined Over 30 Years

DOT 127-97
BTS Product Line

Charlie Han

Monday, August 25, 1997 -- The Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) today released estimates of household expenditures for federal gas taxes over three decades in their report series, TranStats.

"These estimates show that since 1965, in real terms, the amount of federal gas tax paid by American households has actually declined by 41 percent from 1965 until 1995," said Dr. T. R. Lakshmanan, Director of BTS.

In current dollars, federal motor fuel taxes increased from 4 cents in 1965 to 18.4 cents per gallon in 1995. But, after adjusting for inflation and increased fuel efficiency, the household expenditures on federal motor fuel taxes actually decreased overall.

"Federal Gas Tax: Household Expenditures from 1965 to 1995," is the second in the new report series, TranStats, which highlights topics of current interest and new transportation data developments. This report, as well as past and future issues of TranStats, is available in both printed and electronic forms. Printed copies may be ordered by calling (202) 366-DATA, faxing (202) 366-3640, or by writing to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation, Room 3430, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590. The electronic version of this report is available on the Bureau’s Internet site at http://www.bts.gov.