Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Airline Industry Reported Steep Losses in 2001, BTS Year-end Financial Report Shows

BTS 15-02
David Smallen

Thursday, July 11, 2002 -- The U.S. airline industry reported an operating loss of more than $10 billion in 2001 and a net loss of almost $8 billion, according to Air Carrier Financial Statistics Quarterly, a compilation of airline financial reports issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

The losses reported by the industry for 2001 compare to an operating profit of $7 billion and a net profit of almost $3 billion in 2000. In 1999, the industry reported an operating profit of almost $9 billion and net income of more than $5 billion.

During calendar year 2001, the U.S. Department of Transportation paid air carriers a total of $3.8 billion of the $5 billion in direct payments made available under the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act, which was enacted to compensate airlines for losses suffered as a result of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Without these payments, which are reflected in the carriers’ results, industry losses would have been substantially greater.

Dr. Ashish Sen, BTS director, said BTS’ detailed airline financial statistics could provide needed information for decision-makers at a critical time for the airline industry. "BTS reports this comprehensive airline information to help provide a better picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the airline industry," he said.

The major air carriers, those with annual operating revenues of more than $1 billion, reported an operating loss of more than $9 billion and a net loss of more than $7 billion. See the attached table for details. The major airlines carried 544 million passengers in 2001, more than 85 percent of the industry total.

Operating profit or loss is the profit or loss from performance of air transportation and does not include nonoperating income and expenses, nonrecurring items or income taxes. Net income or loss includes those items.

The information in Air Carrier Financial Statistics was collected by the BTS Office of Airline Information. It includes detailed financial statistics for 15 major air carriers, 35 nationals, 20 large regionals, and 17 medium regionals. Summary information from small regionals and commuter carriers is also included.

Quarterly issues of Air Carrier Financial Statistics are available from BTS for $65 each. An annual subscription can be obtained for $250. To obtain copies, send checks payable to "BTS" to:

Bureau of Transportation Statistics
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3103
Washington, D.C. 20590
Attn: Customer Services, K-15

Air Carrier Financial Statistics may also be obtained by calling 202-366-3282 (press 1).

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Dollars in thousands 2000 2001
Airline Industry    
Operating Revenue $135,504,500  $119,355,700
Operating Expense $128,275,100  $129,671,900
Operating Profit (Loss)   $7,229,400 ($10,316,200)
Net Income (Loss)   $2,630,100  ($7,875,400)
Operating Revenue $117,391,500  $104,483,200
Operating Expense $110,853,900  $114,031,400
Operating Profit (Loss)   $6,537,600  ($9,548,200)
Net Income (Loss)   $2,632,300  ($7,185,800)
Operating Revenue  $12,014,300    $9,631,100
Operating Expense  $11,483,800   $10,064,500
Operating Profit (Loss)     $530,500    ($433,400)
Net Income (Loss)      $48,400    ($451,300)
Large Regionals    
Operating Revenue     $893,500      $904,700
Operating Expense     $976,600      $962,700
Operating Profit (Loss)    ($83,100)     ($58,000)
Net Income (Loss)   ($147,200)     ($71,800)
Medium Regionals    
Operating Revenue     $539,400      $414,900
Operating Expense     $525,400      $448,800
Operating Profit (Loss)      $14,000     ($33,900)
Net Income (Loss)      $47,200     ($42,100)
Small Certificated    
Operating Revenue   $3,108,900    $2,764,100
Operating Expense   $2,808,400    $2,929,300
Operating Profit (Loss)     $300,500    ($165,200)
Net Income (Loss)     $156,700     ($75,800)
Operating Revenue   $1,556,900    $1,157,700
Operating Expense   $1,627,000    $1,235,200
Operating Profit (Loss)    ($70,100)     ($77,500)
Net Income (Loss)    ($12,900)     ($48,600)

Nationals have annual operating revenue from $100 million to $1 billion.
Large Regionals have operating revenue of $20 million to $99 million.
Medium Regionals have operating revenue of less than $20 million.
Small Certificateds operate domestic flights only with aircraft of 60 seats or less.
Commuters operate scheduled service with a minimum of five round trips per week on at least one route.