DOT Briefing Room

  Welcome to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) news and information page. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration was established within the Department of Transportation on January 1, 2000, pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 [Public Law No. 106-159, 113 Stat. 1748 (December 9, 1999)]. Formerly a part of the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s primary mission is to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related fatalities and injuries.



FMCSA Declares Tornado Bus an Imminent Hazard to Public Safety Firm Ordered to Cease All Commercial Operations (12/27/07)

FMCSA Proposes Rule with Mandatory Training Requirements for Commercial Driver’s License Applicants (12/26/07)

FMCSA Announces Retention of Limits on Truck Driver Hours of Service (12/11/07)


Safety Rules Reinforced with Satellite Technology for Mexican, U.S. Trucks Participating in the Cross-Border Trucking Demonstration Project (11/05/07)


FMCSA Partners with Former NASCAR Driver Rusty Wallace to Encourage Increased Safety Belt Use Among Truckers (10/03/07)


FMCSA to Initiate Real-Time Tracking for Mexican and U.S. Trucks Participating in the Cross-Border Trucking Demonstration Project; Tracking system would monitor hours of service, cabotage and vehicle position (09/27/07)

Third Mexican Trucking Company Cleared to Participate in Cross-Border Trucking Demonstration Project; Tijuana-based Transportes Padilla permitted to conduct long-haul operations  (09/24/07)

Second U.S. Trucking Company, Second Mexican Trucking Company Cleared to Participate in Cross-Border Trucking Demonstration Project (09/19/07)

First U.S. Truck Crosses Border Into Mexico (09/14/07)

U.S. & Mexican Trucking Companies Cleared to Operate Beyond the Border DOT provides details on steps taken to ensure safety of year-long Demonstration Project in response to latest Inspector General report (09/06/07)


New Federal Court Filing Shows Cross Border Trucking Stay Request Lacks Merit (08/30/07)


Safety Standards for Cross-Border Truck Program Published in Federal Register (06/08/07)


FMCSA Proposes Rule with Requirements and Incentives to Put Safety Technology that Records Hours-of-Service in More Trucks and Buses (01/11/07)

Rose A. McMurray Named as Chief Safety Officer for FMCSA (01/05/07)




Briefing Room