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13 awards found, displaying all awards.
Award Number Title NSF Organization Program(s) Start Date Principal Investigator State Organization Awarded Amount to Date
0849086 SGER: Whole Air Sampling with Advanced Whole Air Sampler (AWAS) during HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observation (HIPPO) Global ATM ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 12/01/2008 Atlas, Elliot FL University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine&Atmospheric Sci $49,963.00
0840732 SGER: Water Vapor Measurements from the G-V VCSEL Hygrometer during START08/PreHIPPO ATM ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 09/01/2008 Zondlo, Mark NJ Princeton University $31,253.00
0802887 SGER: Flight Tests and Validation of the New HIAPER GISMOS Radio Occultation System ATM CLIMATE & LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICS, COMPUTING FACILITIES 01/15/2008 Haase, Jennifer IN Purdue University $76,876.00
0723967 Collaborative Research: Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment (2008) ATM ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 09/15/2007 Atlas, Elliot FL University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine&Atmospheric Sci $375,789.00
0723894 Collaborative Research: Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment (2008) ATM ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 09/15/2007 Avallone, Linnea CO University of Colorado at Boulder $329,790.00
0723327 Collaborative Research: Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment (2008) ATM ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 09/15/2007 Wofsy, Steven MA Harvard University $262,000.00
0722225 Collaborative Research: Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment (2008) ATM ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 09/15/2007 Bowman, Kenneth TX Texas A&M Research Foundation $200,002.00
0628575 Collaborative Research: HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases ATM BE: CARBON & WATER IN ES, CLIMATE & LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICS, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 08/01/2007 Wofsy, Steven MA Harvard University $316,877.00
0628519 Collaborative Research: HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases ATM BE: CARBON & WATER IN ES, CLIMATE & LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICS 08/01/2007 Keeling, Ralph CA University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography $197,208.00
0628452 Collaborative Research: HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases ATM BE: CARBON & WATER IN ES, CLIMATE & LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICS, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 08/01/2007 Moore, Fred CO University of Colorado at Boulder $170,446.00
0628388 Collaborative Research: HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases ATM BE: CARBON & WATER IN ES, CLIMATE & LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICS 08/01/2007 Stephens, Britton CO University Corporation For Atmospheric Res $61,261.00
0617232 Scientific Program Overview (SPO): HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations of Atmospheric Tracers (HIPPO) ATM CLIMATE & LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICS, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 09/01/2006 Wofsy, Steven MA Harvard University $9,991.00
0445112 High Performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research (HIAPER) ATM HIGH-PERFORM INSTR AIR PLAT FO 10/01/2003 Anthes, Richard CO University Corporation For Atmospheric Res $12,521,129.00

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Last Updated:
July 3, 2008