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LANS employees can contribute to flood recovery fund

July 7, 2008

Los Alamos National Security employees can contribute to the 2008 Midwest Flood Recovery Fund through the Laboratory’s United Way campaign. By choosing this option, donations will be designated to the 2008 Midwest Flood Recovery Fund handled by the United Way of Northern New Mexico.

United Way of America created the 2008 Midwest Flood Recovery Fund to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts in midwestern states devastated by recent floods. Seven states have been severely impacted, with thousands of people evacuated and untold destruction to homes and businesses.

Los Alamos National Security, LLC matched employee donations made through the United Way, dollar for dollar, up to $1 million. The current 2008 UW campaign is at approximately $850,000. Any pledges made before July 15 will be matched up to the $1 million limit.

Employees can donate by writing a check made out to United Way of Northern New Mexico -- 2008 Midwest Flood Recovery Fund; mail checks to LANL CFO-TPT, Mail Stop P231. Employees also can make a one-time payroll deduction (in the July 31 paycheck). To arrange for the payroll deduction, contact Debbi Wersonick of the Community Programs Office (CPO) at sonic@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

The deadline to make a donation either by check or payroll deduction is July 15.

For more information, contact Wersonick at 7-7870 or sonic@lanl.gov.

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