United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Montgomery, Alabama

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CARES Decision
Montgomery Division of Central Alabama Veterans Healthcare System
The Secretary has reviewed the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services (CARES) study contractor’s Stage 1 report and the recommendations of the Local Advisory Panel (LAP), concluding that the Montgomery Division of the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System (CAVHCS) shall continue operating under its current mission and maintain its current level of care. This concludes the CARES Business Plan Study for the Montgomery study site. The Secretary's May 2004 decision directed VA to study the feasibility of converting CAVHCS to an outpatient-only facility, and examine the impact of a mission change on access to and quality of care as well as the cost-effectiveness of potential realignment. The Secretary accepts that the Stage 1 report completes the CARES Business Plan study and encourages the VISN to continue to explore contracting options under its current authority, and to explore increasing transfers to Birmingham VAMC to ensure safe and high quality care for complex procedures as part of the VISN and CAVHCS strategic planning process. The planning process also should consider a sharing agreement with Maxwell Air Force Base to utilize some of the vacant modern ambulatory facilities on the base. The VHA Veterans Rural Access Health (VRAH) policy applies to the Montgomery VAMC and should be implemented.

CLICK HERE FOR THE MONTGOMERY STAGE 1 REPORT, which includes details regarding the Montgomery study site, market health care demand, options reviewed by the contractor, and final recommendation.


These documents are provided in PDF format for downloading and local reproduction. Software for accessing this document format is available on the VA Viewer Software Page.

Information and Links - Montgomery
Local Advisory Panel Public Meeting Announcements and Schedules
  • September 1, 2005 - 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
    Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Wilson Auditorium .
  • May 4, 2005 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
    RSA Plaza Terrace.
  • Public Affairs Office and FAC Support:

Stage I Report
Meeting Summaries and Materials
Meeting Agendas
CARES Phase I & II
2004 Secretary's Decision
Congressional Briefings