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USGS Activity Physical Data: D-1-65-BS

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Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
136028 388 Area B column 22 row 06 "Dave Scholl, Ed Buffington" CMG Secondary paper and velum copies via microfilm aperture cards (see box 397) of analog original seismic reflection profiles.  
136029 388 Area B column 22 row 06 "Dave Scholl, Ed Buffington" CMG Two logs  
136030 388 Area B column 22 row 06 "Dave Scholl, Ed Buffington" CMG tabulated coordinates  
136031 388 Area B column 22 row 06 "Dave Scholl, Ed Buffington" CMG seismic log These copies have been assembled into coherent profiles (time shifts restored).
136075 397 Area B column 22 row 07 "Dave Scholl, Roland Von Huene" CMG original rolls seismic reflection profiles  
136076 397 Area B column 22 row 07 "Dave Scholl, Roland Von Huene" CMG bathymetry profiles (PDR)  
139783 702 Area C column 17 row 02 Dave Scholl CMG station log "Dutch Harbor, St. George, St. Paul, Adak, June 29 to July 18, 1965"
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
156528 2093 Area C column 01 row 06 Dave Scholl CMG 16mm microfilm master 1H: acoustic reflection profiles  
156529 2093 Area C column 01 row 06 Dave Scholl CMG 16mm microfilm duplicate 1H: acoustic reflection profiles  
156530 2093 Area C column 01 row 06 Dave Scholl CMG 35mm microfilm master 1/1: 3.5 khz bathymetry "Gulf of Alaska seismic profiles and Southern Calif. offshore, Murray Escarpment; Bering Sea seismic data, both as rolls and deck of aperture cards"
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments

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