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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 200305 PIRLS-IEA Reading Literacy Framework: Comparative Analysis of the 1991 IEA Reading Study and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
In 1991, the United States participated in the International Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Reading Literacy Study that assessed the reading literacy of fourth-grade students in 32 countries. When a new study of fourth-grade reading literacy was being planned for 2001, the IEA decided to create a new assessment: Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). This Working Paper compares the frameworks, texts, and items of these two international studies.
NCES 2003073 International Comparisons in Fourth-Grade Reading Literacy: Findings from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) of 2001
This report describes the reading literacy of fourth-graders in 35 countries, including the United States. The report provides information on a variety of reading topics, but with an emphasis on U.S. results. Included in the report are comparisons of average scores across the 35 countries on two reading subscales and a combined reading scale, as well as achievement broken out by sex, internationally. Within the U.S. comparisons by race/ethnicity, by public and private schools, and by poverty levels of the school are provided. The report also presents information on reading and instruction in the classroom and explores the reading habits of fourth-graders outside of school. This report defines reading literacy for fourth-graders, highlights the performance and distribution of fourth-graders relative to fourth-graders in other countries, and illustrates, through international benchmarking, the performance of assessed students. A sample reading passage and a few related test items are provided. The report also presents data on a related reading trend study in which the U.S. participated. Technical notes about the assessment are provided as an appendix, and there is also a section that compares the similarities and differences of PIRLS and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
NCES 2003026 Comparative Indicators of Education in the United States and Other G-8 Countries: 2002
This report shows how the U.S. education system compares to other major industrialized countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russian Federation, United Kingdom) in five areas: (1) the context of education; (2) preprimary and primary education; (3) secondary education; (4) higher education; and (5) education and the labor force.
NCES 200310 A Comparison of the NAEP and PIRLS Fourth-Grade Reading Assessments
In anticipation of questions about how the 2001 PIRLS fourth-grade assessment and the 2002 NAEP fourth grade reading assessment compare, NCES convened an expert panel to compare the content of the PIRLS and NAEP assessment to determine if they measured the same construct. This involved a close examination of how PIRLS and NAEP define reading, the texts used as the basis for the assessments, and the reading processes required of students in each.
NCES 2003011 Highlights From the TIMSS 1999 Video Study of Eighth-Grade Mathematics Teaching
The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 Video Study examines classroom teaching practices through in-depth analysis of videotapes of eighth-grade mathematics lessons. More ambitious than the earlier TIMSS 1995 Video Study, the TIMSS 1999 Video Study provides rich descriptions of mathematics teaching as it is actually experienced by eighth-grade students in seven countries. In addition to the United States, participating countries include Australia, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Students in these countries were generally among the top-performing students on the TIMSS 1995 mathematics assessment and, in particular, outperformed their U.S. counterparts. This document presents highlights of results, based on the full report (NCES 2003-013)
NCES 2003013 Teaching Mathematics in Seven Countries: Results from the TIMSS 1999 Video Study
The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 Video Study examines classroom teaching practices through in-depth analysis of videotapes of eighth-grade mathematics lessons. More ambitious than the earlier TIMSS 1995 Video Study, the TIMSS 1999 Video Study provides rich descriptions of mathematics teaching as it is actually experienced by eighth-grade students in seven countries. In addition to the United States, participating countries include Australia, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Students in these countries were generally among the top-performing students on the TIMSS 1995 mathematics assessment and, in particular, outperformed their U.S. counterparts. This report presents initial results from the study.
NCES 2002025 The Condition of Education 2002
The Condition of Education summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report, which is required by law, is an indicator report intended for a general audience of readers who are interested in education. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2002 print edition includes 44 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from preprimary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the quality of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the context of postsecondary education; (6) and societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels. This edition also includes special analyses on the environment, climate, and student outcomes at private schools and on the enrollment and persistence of nontraditional undergraduates.
NCES 2002130 Digest of Education Statistics, 2001
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. Topics in the Digest include: the number of schools and colleges; teachers; enrollments; graduates; educational attainment; finances; federal funds for education; employment and income of graduates; libraries; technology; and international comparisons.
NCES 200201 Legal and Ethical Issues in the Use of Video in Education Research
This working paper focuses on current legal regulations and ethical guidelines that govern the use of video techniques in education research, and the adequacy of these codes in a changing technological environment. This paper provides a synopsis of ethical and legal guidelines, points out possible issues to be addressed by the professional and legal communities, and provides key suggestions for education researchers using video as a data collection tool.
NCES 2002115 Outcomes of Learning: Results from the 2000 Program for International Student Assessment of 15-Year-Olds in Reading, Mathematics, and Science Literacy
This report provides initial findings from the first cycle of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The report gives information on achievement of 15-year-olds in reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy in the United States and 31 other participating nations.
NCES 2002116 Highlights from the 2000 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
This 12-page brochure summarizes the key findings from the new Program for International Student Assessment (PISA).
NCES 200107 A Comparison of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the Third International Mathematics and Science Study Repeat (TIMSS-R), and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
This Working Paper compares the eighth-grade science and mathematics portions of NAEP 2000 with TIMSS-R and the scientific literacy and mathematics literacy portions of PISA. It is based on the work of expert panels who examined items on each of the assessments in terms of content, response type, context, requirement for multi-step reasoning, and other characteristics.
NCES 200105 Using TIMSS to Analyze Correlates of Performance Variation in Mathematics
This study used data from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) to compare the variability of performance in the United States and several other countries, investigate how this performance variation is distributed within and between classrooms, and explore how well background variables predict performance at both levels. In addition, the study explored how well suited the TIMSS design is to addressing questions of this sort.
NCES 2001072 The Condition of Education, 2001
The Condition of Education summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report, which is required by law, is an indicator report intended for a general audience of readers who are interested in education. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2001 print edition includes 59 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from preprimary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the quality of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the context of postsecondary education; (6) and societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels. Also in the 2001 edition is a special focus essay on the access, persistence, and success of first-generation students in postsecondary education.
NCES 2001096 What Democracy Means to Ninth-Graders: U.S. Results From the International IEA Civic Education Study
This report presents an analysis of U.S. data from an assessment of the civic knowledge and skills of 14-year old students across 28 countries and their attitudes toward civic issues. The Civic Education Study assessment was conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). In the United States, the assessment was administered to a nationally representative sample of ninth-graders in October 1999. The report includes the civic achievement of U.S. students compared to other countries; the school and classroom context of civic knowledge; the demographic, socioeconomic, and out-of-school context of civic knowledge; the students’ concepts of democracy, citizenship, and government; their attitudes toward civic issues; and their current and expected political activities.
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