Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Coastal Learning Services

Providing competency-based training and workshops that meet the needs of the nation's coastal resource managers.

Coastal Learning Services (CLS) serves the nation's coastal resource managers through training workshops, professional conferences, and meeting support services. The program also provides a wide range of related consulting services on topics that include instructional design, information design and usability, assessments, and facilitation.

The focus areas of the Coastal Learning Services (CLS) Program are:

  • Training - A wide variety of training courses are available from the Center. CLS is responsible for the courses in the "Building Process Skills" and "Coastal Management Training" series. See training for a list of these courses plus the Center's technology courses.
  • Conference Planning - The Center's conference planners play an instrumental role in the execution of many of the major conferences developed for the coastal resource management community. The Coastal Zone conference series, the largest international conference of its type, is an example.
  • Coastal Management Fellowship - Provides on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for postgraduate students and project assistance to state coastal zone management programs. The program matches postgraduate students with state coastal zone programs to work on projects proposed by the state and selected by the fellowship sponsor, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Services Center. This two-year opportunity offers a competitive salary, medical benefits, and travel and relocation expense reimbursement.

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