United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

VA Seeks Former POWs For Possible Benefit Awards

April 8, 2004

WASHINGTON – On the anniversary of National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is reaching out to former prisoners of war not currently using VA benefits and urging them to contact VA to find out if they are eligible for health care, disability compensation or other services.

"Former prisoners of war sacrificed heroically for their country during wartime," said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi.  "It is now the nation's turn to serve them, to ensure they receive all the benefits and all the honors they have earned."

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day is marked on April 9, the day when American and Filipino forces were surrendered in 1942.  It also began their abusive treatment as prisoners of war (POW) including the notorious "Bataan Death March," at the start of World War II.  

More than 21,000 former POWs already receive compensation from VA.  Within the past year, the department has mailed information about benefits to another 4,700 known ex-POWs not on its rolls.  However, VA estimates there could be as many as 11,000 more POWs for whom it does not have an address.

Secretary Principi urges former POWs not receiving benefits who did not receive a VA letter to call the department at 1-800-827-1000.

In recent years, VA has expanded policies to cover increasing numbers of former POWs as new illnesses have been found related to captivity.  

Nine out of ten former POWs are veterans of World War II, and their service predates the use of Social Security numbers as a military "service number."  That, coupled with the decades that have elapsed since their service, makes it difficult for VA to track down those who have not opened a file with VA in recent years.

"VA asks veterans and all Americans who know of a former POW to help spread the word that benefits and services may be just a phone call away," Principi said. 

VA recently enacted policies making it easier for former POWs, detained 30 days or more, to obtain compensation for specific illnesses.  In July 2003, VA added cirrhosis of the liver to the list of diseases presumed to be linked to captivity and entitling former POWs to disability compensation.  Additionally, a December 2003 change in the law now allows former POWs detained for less than 30 days to get benefits for certain physical and psychological conditions. 

Former POWs have a special eligibility for enrollment in VA medical care and are exempt from making co-payments for VA pharmaceuticals, as well as inpatient and outpatient medical care.  They have the same eligibility as other veterans for extended care.  Free treatment for any dental condition is now available to all former POWs.

More information about VA benefits and services for former POWs is available at http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/Benefits/POW/.

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