United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Payments for Traumatic Injuries Begin Under New VA Insurance Program

December 20, 2005

WASHINGTON – American troops and their families now have more financial security, thanks to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) new Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) program.  Prudential Financial Inc., the insurer under the program, began making payments under this new program.

The TSGLI payments, ranging from $25,000 to $100,000, are made to service members who have suffered certain traumatic injuries while on active duty.  

The new insurance program became effective December 1, 2005, and is designed to provide financial help to military families through extended periods of medical care and healing.  Benefits are also payable retroactively to October 7, 2001 for service members and veterans who suffered certain traumatic injuries while serving in Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom.

“Injured service members should be able to focus on their recovery and adjustment back to military or civilian life, as well as spending time with their families,” said the Honorable R. James Nicholson, Secretary of Veterans Affairs.  “This new insurance program will help families focus on what’s most important without having to worry about financial difficulties.”

Officials with VA and the Department of Defense are continually working to identify eligible service members and veterans.  Nicholson urged veterans with eligibility questions to visit VA’s website at www.insurance.va.gov or to call the Office of Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance at 1-800-419-1473 for more information.

The Department of Veterans Affairs administers one of the largest insurance programs in the United States, providing coverage for active duty and reserve military personnel, veterans, and their families, supervising programs that include more than seven-and-a-half million policies with a face value of more than $1.1 trillion of insurance benefits.

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