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System-wide Monitoring Program

Nutrients Monitoring in the Reserves

National Estuarine Research Reserves collect data on the level of nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, ortho-phosphate) in the water. This is done on a monthly basis at each of the water quality stations, and over a 24-hour period at one of the stations.

Monitoring nutrients is important because scientists have found a positive relationship between the amount of nutrients in the water and primary production (i.e., the growth of algae). Algal blooms stimulated by nutrients are followed by an algal die-off when nutrients are depleted. Settling of the dead algae stimulates an increase in biological oxygen demand as populations of microorganisms expand and consume dead algae. The expanding microbial populations thereby reduce oxygen concentrations in the water column that can cause fish kills.

For more information, contact Whitley Saumweber.