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NOAA Fellowship Opportunities

Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program

Coastal Services Center Coastal Management Fellowship

Graduate Research Fellowship

Local Estuarine Reserve Fellowship Programs

In addition to participating in the national Graduate Research Fellowship program, the following reserves support their own, local fellowship programs.

Hudson River Reserve, New York
Through its Cooperative Research Fellowship Program, New York Sea Grant and the New York State Department of Environmental Control- Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve are soliciting applications from masters and doctoral candidates who seek funding for thesis work conducted on the Hudson River.
Click to learn more.

Hudson River Reserve, New York
The Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program supports undergraduate and graduate research projects on the Hudson River. The program is jointly sponsored by the Hudson River Foundation and the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program.
Click to learn more.

Padilla Bay Reserve, in Washington
The Padilla Bay Reserve awards Research Assistantships in Estuarine Science and Coastal Zone Management. Assistantships of $5000 are awarded to graduate students to fund thesis work in Padilla Bay.
For more information,

Tijuana River Reserve, in California
Because the Tijuana River Reserve is located directly on the United States / Mexico border, our fellowship program offers opportunities for research in a unique environmental and cultural setting. Current research priorities include invasive species ecology and management, salt marsh restoration and sustainable development of urbanized watersheds.
Learn more at

For more information contact Alison Krepp.