NHTSA: Speed Management Logo

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[ A-C ]

[ D-F ]

Definitions Related to Speed (.PDF version posted 10-11-01)
A glossary containing terms, tools, and programs relating to speed management.

[ G-I ]

[ J-L ]

[ M-O ]

[ P-R ]

[ S-U ]

Speeding Fact Sheet (.PDF version posted 10-11-01)
Fatality information is derived from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). FARS includes motor vehicle traffic crashes that result in fatality to a vehicle occupant or non-motorist, from injuries resulting from a traffic crash, that occur within 30 days of the crash. The final FARS file is normally completed around Memorial Day, at which time the final quality control procedures are implemented. When these procedures are completed, NCSA can begin to create fact sheets and release the new data.

Speeding & Highway Safety: The US Department of Transportation's Policy & Implementation Strategy (posted 10-11-01)
DOT's policy is to provide guidance to State and local governments on setting speed limits that maximize the efficient and rapid transportation of people and goods while eliminating the unnecessary risk of crashes due to unsafe speeds.

Speed Management Team Work Plan (.PDF version posted 10-11-01)
The plan is part of the continuing commitment by NHTSA, FHWA, and FMSCA to reduce the number of speed-related fatalities and injuries occurring on our highways.

Summary of State Speed Laws (posted 10-11-01)
This summary provides ONLY the status of State statutes (or regulations) that are concerned with either speed limit or speed related violations. Local laws are not reported.

United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Speed Management Team Charter (.PDF version posted 10-11-01)
To promote speed management and improve highway safety in support of the U.S. DOT, FHWA, FMCSA, and NHTSA strategic and performance plans to reduce the number of speeding-related deaths and injuries in the United States.

[ V-Z ]