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 Tracy A. Sugarman to his wife, May 1, 1944

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Monday - May 1st. [1944]

Hello darling!

Just got relieved from watch - and its [sic] six minutes away from midnight. Mind if I join you, sweetheart? Aw c'mon - I don't wanna go to bed alone. *Purty* please, pooch? Kay! Wanted so awful much to be with you today 'specially, angel. We moored near Freddy Rosenberg's ship and I rode over to say hello. While there I unearthed the "Oklahoma!" album - 'n I sat and drooled and drooled for about an hour. What a flock of marvellous memories it recalled, Junie. I positively relived those first few days of being Mr and Mrs Sug - and the Biltmore - 'n breakfast in bed - and White Turkey brunch - and you my adorable darling - it came back with a poignant clarity that made it darn near unbearable not to have you near. I missed you, Junie - with a hunger that was a real as anything you could suffer from a physical source. Crunch! I'd curl my toes and swear quietly - and completely - and swing at thin air with a finality that conceded temporary defeat to what *was*. How I pray that what *must* be will come *soon*, my darling. Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn - !!!!! "[musical notes]Noone [sic] to talk with - all by myself - noone to walk

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 Tracy A. Sugarman to his wife, May 1, 1944

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  The Library of Congress
  May 29, 2007
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