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Scientific and Technical Publications for the 1980s


To meet the demand for rapid dissemination of information many reports are now available on the web.  Links below will take you to full text reports pdf format. Documents can be downloaded, read or printed by using the free Adobe Reader.

Copies of reports are available from the Minerals Management Service free of charge, as long as supplies last, by contacting the Alaska Region at akwebmaster@mms.gov.  Once the supply is exhausted, copies can be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at www.ntis.gov, or borrowed through an Interlibrary Loan from the Alaska Resources Library & Information Services (ARLIS) or reviewed at participating Federal Depository libraries.

Click here for Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements

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MMS 89-0097 Geological Report for the Shumagin Planning Area, Western Gulf of Alaska
MMS 89-0094
Technical Report 140
Point Lay Biographies
MMS 89-0093 Point Lay Case Study
MMS 89-0084 Regional and Village Corporation Employment Profiles
MMS 89-0083 A Demographic and Employment Analysis of Selected Alaska Rural Communities (Volume I, II, III)
MMS 89-0081 The Yukon Delta: A Synthesis of Information
MMS 89-0078
Technical Report 136
North Slope Subsistence Study - Wainwright, 1988
MMS 89-0077 Technical Report 135 North Slope Subsistence Study - Barrow, 1988
MMS 89-0076 Economic and Demographic Systems Analysis - Gulf of Alaska/Cook Inlet Sale 114
MMS 89-0058 Migration of Northern Fur Seals, Callorhinus Ursinus, Pups in the Bering Sea
MMS 89-0038 A Synthesis of Environmental Information of Causeways in the Nearshore Beaufort Sea, Alaska - Workshop Proceedings
MMS 89-0033 Aerial Surveys of Endangered Whales in the Beaufort Sea, Fall 1988
MMS 89-0015 Right Whale, Balaena Glacialis, Bibliography
MMS 89-0014 Populations, Productivity and Feeding Habits of Seabirds at Cape Thompson, Alaska
MMS 89-0012 Development of an Method for Monitoring the Productivity, Survivorship, and Recruitment of the Pacific Walrus Population
MMS 89-0006 Analysis and Ranking of the Acoustic Disturbance Potential of Petroleum Industry Activities and Other Sources of Noise in the Environment of Marine Mammals in Alaska
MMS 88-0092 Synthesis of Information on the Effects of Noise and Disturbance on Major Haulout Concentrations of Bering Pinnipeds
MMS 88-0091 Population Model for Alaska Peninsula Sea Otters
MMS 88-0089 Geological and Operational Summary, North Aleutian Shelf, Cost 1 Well, Bering Sea, Alaska
MMS 88-0080
Technical Report 133
North Slope Subsistence Study - Barrow, 1987
MMS 88-0079 Village Economics in Rural Alaska: Social and Economic Studies
MMS 88-0078 Nome Sociocultural Monitoring Study
MMS 88-0077 Kotzebue Sociocultural Monitoring Study
MMS 88-0056 Comparison of Behavior of Bowhead Whales of the Davis Strait and Bering/Beaufort Stocks
MMS 88-0049 Synthesis of Effects of Oil on Marine Mammals
MMS 88-0042 Fisheries Oceanography: A Comprehensive Formulation of Technical Objectives for Offshore Application in the Arctic
MMS 88-0040 Arctic Information Transfer Meeting, Conference Proceedings
MMS 88-0032 Development, Testing and Verification of an Oil Spill Surf Zone Mass Transport Model
MMS 88-0030 Aerial Surveys of Endangered Whales in the Beaufort Sea, Fall 1987
MMS 88-0023 Fall Migration of Ross' Gull, Rhodostethia Rosea, in Alaskan Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
MMS 88-0022 Populations, Productivity, and Feeding Habits of Seabirds on St. Lawrence Island
MMS 87-0122 Distribution, Abundance, Behavior and Bioacoustics of Endangered Whales in the Western Beaufort and Northeastern Chukchi Seas, 1979-87, Appendix
MMS 87-0111 Measurement of Vertical Turbulent Dispersion and Diffusion of Oil Droplets
MMS 87-0109 Geological and Operational Summary, Kodiak Shelf Stratigraphic Test Wells, Western Gulf of Alaska
MMS 87-0084 Prediction of Drilling Site-Specific interaction of Industrial Acoustic Stimuli and Endangered Whales in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
MMS 87-0083 Integration of Suspended Particulated Matter and Oil Transportation Study
MMS 87-0072 Beaufort Sea Monitoring Program: Analysis of Trace Metals and Hydrocarbons from Outer Continental Shelf Activities
MMS 87-0048 Bering Sea Monitoring Program: Proceedings of a Workshop and Sampling Design Recommendations
MMS 87-0046 Geological Report for the Chukchi Sea Planning Area, Alaska
MMS 87-0043 The Population Status of Seabirds on St. Matthew and Hall Islands, 1985-1986
MMS 87-0039 Distribution, Abundance, Behavior, and Bioacoustics of Endangered Whales in the Alaskan Beaufort and Eastern Chukchi Seas, 1979-1986
MMS 87-0038 Development of Satellite-linked Methods of Large Cetacean Tagging and Tracking in OCS Lease Areas
MMS 87-0037 Importance of the Eastern Alaskan Beaufort Sea to Feeding Bowhead Whales, Eastern Alaska
MMS 87-0030 Geologic Report for the St. George Basin Planning Area, Bering Sea, Alaska
MMS 87-0028 Monitoring of the Winter Presence of Bowhead Whales in the Navarin Basin through Association with Ice
MMS 87-0018 Sea Ice Forces and Mechanics Conference Proceedings
MMS 87-0017 Forage Fishes of the Southeastern Bering Sea, Conference Proceedings
MMS 87-0010 Surface-Transportation Networks of the Alaskan North Slope
MMS 86-0125 Distribution of Bowhead Whales in the Southeast Beaufort Sea
MMS 86-0068 Gray Whale, Eschrichtius Robustus, Bibliography
MMS 86-0059 Bowhead Whales, Balaena Mystictus, Bibliography
MMS 86-0050 Beaufort Sea Monitoring Program: Analysis of Trace Metals and Hydrocarbons from OCS Activities
MMS 86-0046 Predictions of Drillings, Site-Specific Interaction of Industrial Acoustic Stimuli and Endangered Whales:  Beaufort Sea
MMS 86-0045 Simulation Modeling of the Effects of Oil Spills on Population Dynamics of Northern Fur Seals
MMS 86-0044 Computer Simulation of the Probability that Endangered Whales Will Interact with Oil Spills, Final Report, October 1986
MMS 86-0033 Geological Report for the Norton Basin Planning Area, Bering Sea, Alaska
MMS 86-0029 Research on Vertical Turbulence Dispersion of Oil Droplets and Oil Particles
MMS 86-0026 Importance of the Eastern Alaska Beaufort Sea to Feeding Bowhead Whales, 1985
MMS 86-0002 Aerial Surveys of endangered Whales in the Northern Bering, Eastern Chukchi and Alaskan Beaufort Seas, 1981
MMS 85-0111 Geological Report for the Beaufort Sea Planning Area, Alaska
MMS 85-0109 Integration of Suspended Particulate Matter and Oil Transportation Study
MMS 85-0098 Development of a Coastal Oil Smear Model: Phase I
MMS 85-0081 Proceedings of a Synthesis Meeting:  The Norton Basin Environment and Possible Consequences of Planned Offshore Oil and Gas Development, Denali National Park, Alaska, June 5-7,1984
MMS 85-0077 Bowhead Whale Behavior in Relation to Seismic Exploration, Alaskan Beaufort Sea, Autumn, 1981
MMS 85-0076 Observations on the Behavior of Bowhead Whales (Balaena Mysticetus) in the presence of Operating Seismic Exploration Vessels in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
MMS 85-0068 Population Estimation, Productivity and Food Habitats of Nesting Seabirds at Cape Peirce and the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska
MMS 85-0067 Beaufort Sea Monitoring Program: Analysis of Trace Metals and Hydrocarbons from Outer Continental Shelf Activities - Year 1 Results
MMS 85-0045 Geologic Report for the Navarin Basin Planning Area, Bering Sea, Alaska
MMS 85-0034 Behavior, Disturbance Responses, and Distribution of Bowhead Whales, Balaena Mysticetus, in the Beaufort Sea (11.9mbs); Section 2 (6.8mbs)
MMS 85-0019 Investigation of the Potential Effects of Underwater Noise from Petroleum Industry Activities on Feeding Humpback Whale Behavior
MMS 85-0018 Aerial Surveys of Endangered Whales in the Northern Bering, Eastern Chukchi, and Alaskan Beaufort Seas, 1984: With a Six-Year Review 1979-1984
MMS 85-0005 Monitoring Seabird Populations in the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Region, Conference Proceedings
MMS 84-0031 Geological and Operational Summary, Navarin Basin COST No. 1 Well, Bering Sea, Alaska
MMS 84-0018 Geological and Operational Summary, St. George Basin COST No. 2 Well, Bering Sea, Alaska, March 1984
MMS 84-0016 Geological and Operational Summary, St. George Basin COST No. 1 Well, Bering Sea, Alaska, March 1984
MMS 84-0002 Prelease Investigation Maps of the North Aleutian Shelf, Outer Continental Shelf, Bering Sea, Alaska 1984
1984 The Norton Basin Environment and Possible Consequences of Planned Oil and Gas Development
Open File Report 83-124 Geologic and Operational Summary, Norton Sound Cost No. 1 Well, Agust 1983
Open File Report 83-557 Geologic and Operational Summary, Norton Sound Cost No. 2 Well, August 1983
Report 5366 Investigations of the Potential Effects of Underwater Noise from Petroleum Industry Activities on Migrating Gray Whale Behavior
Report 5586 Investigations of the Potential Effects of Underwater Noise from Petroleum Industry Activities on Migrating Gray Whale Behavior
Technical Report 93
Cold Bay: Ethnographic Study and Impact Analysis and
Executive Summary
Technical Report 85
A Description of the Socioeconomics of the North Slope Borough
Technical Report 85a
A Description of the Socioeconomics of the North Slope Borough. Appendix: Transcripts of Selected Inupiat Interviews
Technical Report 81
Hope Basin Petroleum Technology Assessment, Alaska OCS Socioeconomic Studies Program
Technical Report 79
Chukchi Sea Petroleum Technology Assessment, Alaska OCS Socioeconomic Studies Program
Technical Report 71
Alaska Peninsula Socioeconomic and Sociocultural Systems Analysis
1982 Proceedings of a Synthesis Meeting: The North Aleutian Shelf Environment and Possible Consequences of Offshore Oil and Gas Development
1981 Proceedings of a Synthesis Meeting: The Norton Sound Environment and Possible Consequences of Planned Oil and Gas Development
1981 The St. George Basin Environment and Possible Consequences of Planned Oil and Gas Development
1981 Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program, Beaufort Sea (Sale 71) Synthesis Report
1980 Proceedings of a Synthesis Meeting: The Norton Sound Environment and Possible Consequences of Planned Oil and Gas Development, Anchorage, Alaska - October 28-30, 1980

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