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The NASA and National Science Foundation

Just like the National Parks Foundation, I want to give more money to support NASA and scientific endeavours throughout the United States. I want to be able to give to any of the programs that are now being worked on at NASA or through the NSF. Additional funding would be fantastic for the scientific endeavours in our country.  
5 Comments  »  Posted by J.M.Lee to Economy, Education, Energy and Environment, Homeland Security, Technology, Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 2:12 PM


1/12/2009 2:41 PM
Just funding the organization is not the right concept .  Funding should be evaluated based on the merits of the projects and usefulness of the projects for the country.  Lot of money was spent on R&D projects but outcome of the projects for real life use are minimal.
1/13/2009 3:44 AM
The manned space shuttle program should now be shut down. It is expensive and does not give any return on the investment.
Cactus Wren
1/13/2009 6:17 AM
Many of the organizations and projects funded by NASA and the NSF are infested with cronyism, nepotism and incredible high-life waste.  The whole approach to national science programs needs to be restructured to be fair, equitable and accountable to the taxpayer for the dollars spent.  Enough with tenured scientists and special endowments.  To be competitive and move forward, this is one area where I know for a fact we need to clean house.  The structure and function of many of these taxpayer funded institutions makes Chicago Politics look like a bright sunny day.

Remove the layers of bureaucracy obscuring the actual taxpayer expenditures, restore merit for work and eliminate the cronyism and tit for tat and you may offer some dedicated scientists a system in which they can participate and thrive.   The way US Science dollars are allocated and spent has a lot to do with our inablity to make progress, and in many ways resembles the scandolous waste and cluelessness as to what is appropriate in entertainment and personal benefit allocations expenditures of taxpayer dollars.

Science happens with out special interaction facilities creating the proper atmosphere for the exchange of ideas.  Great science can happen on a crowded train or anyplace else...the current system incourages endless dollars spent on endless discussion while actual faciities and research output decompose.
1/13/2009 7:41 AM
Funding AND supporting NASA can help meet 2 out of the 5 main agenda items listed on
1) Revitalizing the Economy and 5) Renewing American Global Leadership

We can not be left behind in space after holding such a substantial lead for decades. We (as a country) must continue to push new frontiers and when we have paved the way we should pass it on to private companies who will continue the work and create new jobs and industries. Companies like Scaled Composites, Virgin Galactic, Bigelow Aerospace, and SpaceX are beginning to "settle" on that frontier that NASA first reached in the 1960s. Earth orbit's future is now in the hands of these pioneers.

Now NASA must push beyond Earth orbit and continue our expansion into space. We need to go to the moon and beyond. India and China both have solid plans to send men to the moon by 2020 and the Europeans and Russians have their own goals in regards to the moon as well. In the 1960s and 70s we sent men to the moon and it seemed that there was nothing that could hold back American ingenuity and innovation. The world looked at us in awe. We must not lose this global leadership.

1/13/2009 12:00 PM

Agree with the intent of the posting for much more substantial NASA funding & a higher priority for space initiatives.  Engineering, science, & tech grads do need jobs to go to with all that higher education.

But throwing unlimited funding at it is obviously not gonna happen & taxpayers are certainly entitled to accountability & proper oversight. 

But overly harsh accountability & pressures to produce results is inappropriate as well 

Cost & schedule controls vs. safety & quality reqmts are challenging to effectively manage because of the unkowns along the way. Think new drug or medical device design & testing & clinical trial results, some ideas pan out & some don't.

Do recommend though that all current & future manned spacebiz managers, workers, & wannabes be required to do homework and read the book, "Apollo" by Charles Murray & Catherine Bly Cox so that past design & procedure mistakes are not repeated and unnecessarily waste taxpayer $$.    

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