Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 1990

After installing the TransVu Software an error message appears "Application Error GISW caused a General Protection Fault in module TV.EXE at 0001:B84A"?
With TransVu Software Version 1.0 if the users were using a version of Windows other than 3.1, or if they were connected to a local area network the error message would appear. An upgrade to the software is now available.

How can I get the upgrade?
The upgrade is included on the urban element CD. It can also be found on the BTS ftp site. http://www.bts.gov/btsprod/setup.exe.

I have installed the upgrade TransVu 2.0 and at the "Open Dataset" window my machine "locks up on me".
We have found that TransVu 2.0 will not install on computers using Windows NT 4.0 as their Operating/System. A new version of the TransVU 2.0 installation program for Windows NT 4.0 has been created to remedy this problem. TransVU 2.0 for Windows NT 4.0 is now available for downloading. It can also be found on the BTS site at http://www.bts.gov/btsprod/setupnt.exe.

How can I print out the maps?
The TransVu software was not intended to serve as a GIS. It is possible to print or create your own maps.

  1. Printing the map image from the screen.
    With the map of the area you want to print showing press the "Print Screen" button found on your keyboard. Next go to Programs/Accessories/Paint Brush and select Paint Brush. With Paint Brush open select Edit/Paste. Next open File/Print and the map image you had showing will begin to print. The image can be saved by going File/Save As and then giving a file name.
  2. Using GIS to create your own data analysis maps.
    With the table of your choice open, using the Save option (3.5 diskette icon) you may save the table in formats compatible with most GIS software packages. Note: The raw data is found on the CD for most areas along with the record layout (docs/ctpp_x) files.

I ordered CTPP statewide Pennsylvania (CD 02-04), Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin (CD 02-07), or Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska and South Dakota (CD 02-08) and could not find the TransVU software on the CD.
We apologize for the inconvenience. The setup.exe file needed to run TransVU was not included on the CD. Please download the file. Make a note of which folder you download the file to for later reference. Once downloading is complete launch your file manager and locate the file in the folder it was downloaded to. Double click on the setup.exe file. In a moment, the TransVU-CTPP Edition installation program will appear on your screen. It can also be found on the BTS site at http://www.bts.gov/btsprod/setup.exe

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