USDA Forest Service

Cleveland National Forest


Cleveland National Forest
10845 Rancho Bernardo Road
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92127

CRS: 800-735-2922

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Projects & Plans - Land Management Plan

Table of Contents
Part III



Plan Standards Required By (36 CFR 219)

Vegetation Management Standards
Aesthetic Management Standards
Fish and Wildlife Standards
Soil, Water, Riparian and Heritage Standards
Wild and Scenic River Standards
Cultural and Historic Standards
Geographic Place Specific Standards
Other Design Criteria
Monitoring of Design Criteria

Appendix A - Relevant Laws, Regulations, Agreements and Other Management Direction

Forest Service Directives (Manual and Handbook)
Federal Statutes
Federal Regulations
Executive Orders
Executive Memorandums
Federal Agency Management Direction
State and Local Laws and Regulations

Appendix B- Minimum Impact Suppression Tactics (MIST)

  1. Safety
  2. Fire Line Phase


Appendix C - Monitoring Requirements

Part 1 Monitoring

Part 2 Monitoring

Part 3 Monitoring

Appendix D - Adaptive Mitigation for Recreation Uses

Recreation Implementation Guidelines

Appendix E - Five-step Project Screening Process for Riparian Conservation Areas

Five-Step Project Screening Process for Riparian Conservation Areas

Appendix F - Guidelines for Aerial Application of Retardants and Foams in Aquatic Environments

Guidance for pilots
Single Engine Airtankers
Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species

Appendix G - Guidelines for Protection and Conservation of Bird Species at Mountain Top Communications Sites, US Forest Service

Guidelines for Communication Tower Siting, Construction, Operation, Maintenance and Decommissioning
Additional Guidelines for Other Structures Associated with Communication Towers and Sites

Appendix H - Species Guidance Summary

Species guidance documents include (as of December 2004)

Appendix I - Land Adjustment Prioritization Guide

Land Acquisitions
Land Conveyances

Appendix J - Livestock Capability and Suitability Guidelines

Land Acquisitions

Appendix K - Guidelines for Development and Maintenance of WUI Defense and Threat Zones

WUI Defense Zone
WUI Threat Zone
State Fire Law, County Ordinances, and the Insurance Industry

Appendix L - Glossary

A - E

F - L

M - R

S - Z

Appendix M - National Forests of Southern California Weed Management Strategy


1. Coordination And Cooperation
2. Prevention And Education
3. Control/Project Planning
4. Administration And Planning
5. Inventory, Mapping And Monitoring
6. Research

Tables and Figures

Note: Tables were managed in a database environment, and were assigned unique numbers as their need was identified. Over 500 tables were created. Some tables were later determined to be redundant or unnecessary. The planning team decided not to renumber the tables for publication due to the amount of work required to locate and update every reference to every table. Thus, the table numbers are not consecutive, and a careful review of all documents will reveal that all table numbers were not used in the final documents.

Table 3.1 - Appropriate Silviculture Systems and Vegetation Treatments by General Forest Type 3
Table 3-2 - Livestock Grazing Utilization Standards 12
Table 3-3 - Part 1 Monitoring Summary 58
Table 3-4 - Part 2 Monitoring Summary 61
Table 3-5 - Part 3 Monitoring Summary 62

Document Format Protocols

USDA Forest Service - Cleveland National Forest
Last Modified: Monday, 17 March 2008 at 10:52:20 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.