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10 Ways to Speed Up Cold Fusion Web Queries - 01/06/99  - If you are building your site with Cold Fusion, make sure you are taking advantage of all the tools Cold Fusion provides to help you speed up your Web pages. The following tips can help improve the speed of your queries without changing the remote database you are querying.   URL:
Allaire Knowledgebase - Optimizing Cold Fusion Queries (a case study)  - Are you experiencing slow performance on pages that execute complex or multiple Cold Fusion queries? You may be able to improve performance by reordering SQL clauses in the cfquery statement.   URL:
Allaire: Knowledgebase - ColdFusion Performance Debugging  - This article describes ColdFusion Performance debugging techniques on both the Windows NT and Solaris platforms. Some of the most difficult ColdFusion problems to diagnose are performance and stability issues. This is due to the fact that there are many factors that effect both performance and stability of applications.   URL:
Allaire: Knowledgebase - Performance-Related Resource Links **** - There are many good performance-related resources available to help you identify tunable performance settings which you can tune to produce maximize web application performance. Below are just a few of these, by tuning category. ColdFusion Application Server for Windows 95/98/NT, Solaris, HP-UX; Web Servers; Database Servers; Network Operating Systems.   URL:
Caching in on Performance by Ben Forta *** - here’s nothing that can kill your application’s performance as quickly as database access. The trick is to reduce the amount of database activity that your application generates. This is where caching comes in. Caching involves keeping a copy of recent data in memory so that subsequent requests for that data may be fulfilled by accessing the memory-resident copy rather than the original data on the disk. ColdFusion supports two forms of caching: variable-based caching and query-based caching. We’ll take a look at both.   URL:
Defusion - Cold Fusion Server Optimization  - Many companies are coming to rely upon Allaire's Cold Fusion to support mission-critical internet and intranet sites. As Allaire's product makes inroads into an arena that requires 100% uptime, issues of stability and performance take center stage. Many sites spend months focusing on code only to go live and experience problems when faced with even moderate loads. Hopefully, the advice within this article will help administrators create a high-performing and stable Cold Fusion environment for their web sites.   URL:
IIS 4.0 Tuning Parameters for High-Volume Sites  - This document provides some general guidelines on how to optimize an Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 installation in a high-volume environment. It is designed for Web server system administrators who are familiar with administering Microsoft® Windows® NT and Microsoft IIS. Ensure that content deployed on an IIS 4.0 Web site is optimized for the intended use. Michael Stephenson and the Windows NT Server Performance Team Microsoft Corporation - March 9, 1998.   URL:
Performance Coding: Turning a Query into an Array  - We began considering this problem as a possible solution to help sort a query return. In this case we were retrieving the recordset from a WDDX syndication server and needed it resorted to meet our needs. This turned out to be a rather simple task, in execution, but all solutions were much slower than we would have liked. One idea that we explored pretty thoroughly was the idea of turning the query into an array and then using the rich array functions to speed the sorting. In doing so we came up with several ways to convert a query into a two-dimensional array, one quite novel solution using WDDX as an interim path. Note that we focused exclusively on CFML solutions. A CFX or COM solution would, of course, be much quicker - but where's the fun in that?   URL:

MS Word DOC Capability and Scalability Planning for Cold Fusion Applications - This paper offers a technical manager or developer a view of key capacity planning and scalability issues faced when deploying Cold Fusion Web applications. It begins with an overview of the Web’s general application architecture, with an eye towards performance and scalability. The paper then addresses performance and scalability within the context of Cold Fusion’s architecture, including detailed strategies for scaling Cold Fusion applications. Finally, it includes a more general discussion of hardware and software configuration issues in this new environment.  (DOC - 772.7K)   File: acf229.doc Author: Allaire Corporation - September 01, 1997. URL:
Adobe Acrobat PDF ColdFusion Server 4.5.1 for Windows NT/2000 Performance Fact Sheet - This document outlines performance and configuration considerations of a ColdFusion Web application. It summarizes testing that Allaire performed in its Enterprise Scalability Lab and details several examples of sizing ColdFusion Web application deployments. It includes the results of performance and scalability tests on the ColdFusion “Tack2++” application, a version of the “Tack2Plus” sample application included with ColdFusion, as well as configuration information and a copy of the test script actions. These tests can serve as a general guide for customers deploying ColdFusion-built applications. Customers can use this Performance Fact Sheet to assist with deployment planning to help ensure that sufficient resources are available for successful deployment.  (PDF - 208.2K)   File: ColdFusion_4.5.1_NT_Performance_Guide.pdf Author: Allaire Corporation

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