Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-8: Arkansas Commercial Service Airport Enplanements: 2000

(For airports with scheduled service and 2,500 or more passengers enplaned)

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Airport Large certificated air carriers Commuter and small certificated air carriers Air taxi commuter operators Foreign air carriers Total enplanements
Adams Field 1,214,180 61,634 331 0 1,276,145
Northwest Arkansas Regional 347,956 9,257 23 142 357,378
Fort Smith Regional 75,357 24,089 47 0 99,493
Texarkana Regional-Webb Field 38,784 0 10 0 38,794
Jonesboro Municipal 0 2,364 3,205 0 5,569
Baxter County Regional 0 4,266 1 0 4,267

NOTE: Rank order by total enplaned passengers on air carriers of all types, including foreign air carriers.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of the Associate Administrator for Airports, CY 2000 Enplanement Activity at U.S. Commercial Service Airports, available at http://www.faa.gov/arp/Planning/v3.htm as of Mar. 26, 2002.