National Gallery of Art: Support the Gallery
 Options for Planned Gifts | The Legacy Circle

The Legacy Circle Form

Please complete and submit this form.

I have already included the National Gallery of Art in my will or estate plans, making me eligible for The Legacy Circle. Please contact me.
Please send me more information about how I can join The Legacy Circle.

I am interested in knowing more about how to:

include a bequest for the Gallery in my will to establish a lasting legacy
make a gift of retirement fund assets, such as pension plans or Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
make a gift of life insurance
create a life income gift to benefit the Gallery, such as a charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity. A life income gift can be a tax-effective way to provide me and/or someone I designate with regular payments for life, while making a significant gift to the Gallery.

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Leonardo da Vinci, Ginevra de' Benci (detail), c. 1474, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

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