Mendocino National Forest

Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Road Use

[Icon]: All Terrain Vehicle.  [Icon]: Trail Bike.  [Icon]: Four Wheel Drive Vehicle.  [Icon]: Snowmobile.

Many roads on this Forest lead to private land. Many other roads have limited easements with private landowners. Where boundaries are posted, turn around and come back out the same way you came in, even if road seems to continue. Please respect "Road Closed" signs and metal barricades. Don't Trespass!

Many roads and trails are not posted. Please be careful that you know the area you are using your OHV. Ask at the local ranger station before you proceed. You are responsible for knowing where you can legally ride.

Current California Off-Highway vehicle registration (Green Sticker) is required on all vehicles not licensed or equipped for highway use. State law requires all ATV riders to wear a helmet while operating their vehicles on public land (National Forest is public land).

Your vehicle must be equipped with a properly installed Forest Service approved spark arrester in good working condition. Unlicensed juveniles operating motorcycles must be under the supervision of a licensed adult.

OHV access is on the roads described as "unimproved". In most cases you will have to trailer your OHV across the "improved" roads to get to where you want to ride.

[Graphic]: Depicts Signage for Improved Roads.Improved Roads: Improved roads are smooth, graded roads. Sometimes they may be called a Forest Highway or a County Road. Your vehicle must be currently registered, street legal (equipped with lights, mirrors, signals, horn, etc.) to use these roads. To recognize this type of road please look for the following:

[Graphic]:  Depicts Signage for Improved Roads.
  • 1. A horizontal number designation or a primary route marker identifying the road.
  • 2. If it's a county road, look for the mile markers, a vertical paddle sign at one-mile intervals with the initials of the road, the county, and the mile.
  • 3. No waterbars.
  • 4. Traffic hazard signs.

[Graphic]: Depicts Umimproved Road Signage.[Graphic]: Depicts Signage for Off-Highway Vehicle Routes.Unimproved Roads: Unimproved roads are roughly graded and generally designed for lower speeds. You can recognize this type of road by a brown fiberglass post with no sign. The numbers are printed vertically (one on top of the other) directly on the post. Sometimes other information is displayed on the post along with the numbers. These roads usually have waterbars across the roadbed. These roads are legal for Green or Red Stickered vehicles. Most of these roads are dead ends and there are no trails to continue on - you have to come out the same way you go in. Watch out for other traffic on these roads.

Off-Highway Vehicle Routes: These are designated OHV trails. The markers have signs and decals designating type of use recommended, level of difficulty, and system numbers which corresponds to the Mendocino National Forest Off-Highway Vehicle Guide available at any Forest Office. Markers or signs with a red slash mean the route is closed to that type of use.

(Page Modified 9/27/05 )
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[Link]: United States Department of Agriculture national web site. [Link]: Forest Service national web site.