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Instructions Specific to CD/DVD and Other Media Format Submissions

The entire submission, including the cover letter, form of notice (if applicable), and all maps and drawings, should be included on one or more CDs/DVDs. All files must be organized by security designation (Public, Privileged, CEII, and Protected) on separate CDs/DVDs or paper volumes for each security designation.

Acceptable media at this time are CD and DVD. Other media (e.g. audio tapes, video tapes, cassette tapes, zip drives and other external drives, diskettes, and thumb drives) will not be accepted unless specifically directed by a FERC regulation or staff data request.

The number of paper copies and CD/DVD sets to be submitted is listed in Table 1 below. A paper copy of the cover letter should be included with each paper copy and with each copy of the Public CD/DVD (or first CD/DVD in the set if non-public).

The cover letter file should be on each CD/DVD (the same cover letter in the case of submitting multiple CDs/DVDs) and should identify:

  • For existing proceedings, the applicable docket and sub-docket number(s); for new applications, include the docket prefix that will apply;

  • The party or parties making the submission;

  • A description of the submission and the information being submitted, including a list of paper volumes (if applicable) and a list of the CDs/DVDs, and the security level that applies to each volume or CD/DVD;

  • A statement that the entire submission is contained in the CDs/DVDs; and

  • The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person(s) responsible for the submission. The responsible person(s) should have a validated FERC Online eRegistration account(s);

  • Any other information required to be included.

CDs/DVDs sent via the U.S. Postal Service are frequently damaged or unreadable. Use of express or courier delivery services to submit CDs/DVDs is recommended. Folder, sub-folder and file names should correlate as much as possible to the logical organization of the document. All large format pages for which the original is larger than 8.5 x 11 inches (including some maps, drawings, aerial photography, and items on legal sized paper) should be segregated into separate folders. The folder name should begin with "LargeFormat" and should contain only oversized materials. Use folder names (such as Volume I, Volume II, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, LargeFormat, Maps) and file names that are descriptive. The cover letter and any form of notice (if applicable to the submission) should be in the root directory.

Each CD/DVD must have an external label that identifies the applicant or filer, the docket number (and sub-docket, if applicable) or the applicable docket prefix (for new applications), a brief description of the content of the CD/DVD, the applicable security classification for the CD/DVD, and the date of submission. If the submission includes more than 1 original CD/DVD, each original CD/DVD in the set should be labeled "Original" and numbered (for example, 1 of "x"). CDs and DVDs that are copies of the original must be labeled "Copy" and similarly numbered. The four security labels that are available, one of which must be used, are Public, Privileged, CEII, Protected.

For each file where the security level is anything other than "Public," the appropriate security level must be prominently displayed on the first page of the file. Files must be organized on separate CDs/DVDs for each different security designation. FERC is not responsible for detecting and correcting filer errors in security designations-- it is your responsibility to ensure that all information other than public information is appropriately designated and that only information other than public information is included under Privileged, CEII, or Protected designations.

Protected material must be included on a separate CD/DVD with one paper original and both the paper copy and the media must be submitted under seal.

Table 1: Number of paper and CD/DVD copies to submit (For gas certificate applications an original and 4 paper copies should be submitted):

Security Level Paper Copies CD/DVD
Public Original + 2 copies

Total number of original and copies required by regulation (For example, if the Commission’s regulations for the filing type normally require an original and eight copies, then a total of nine copies of both the Public and Non-Internet Public CD/DVD(s) should be included).

Include a paper copy of the cover letter with each copy of the Public CD/DVD
CEII Original + 2 copies Three copies
Privileged Original Only One copy
Protected Original Only (under seal) with copy of cover letter on the outside of the sealed envelope /container One copy (included with the paper copy in a sealed envelope/container)


  Contact Information

FERC Online Support
Telephone: 202-502-6652
Toll-free: 1-866-208-3676

Updated: June 18, 2008