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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Programming Languages\ XML 


CNET 20 questions on XML  - XML's proponents claim it will cure everything that's wrong with HTML and enable the seamless exchange of data between different applications and operating systems and those of you who get it first will probably benefit the most.   URL:
CNET Spotlight on XML  - You may have heard that XML will revolutionize the web, and that it has the potential to reshape the way data is exchanged over the Internet. Before you abandon HTML, though, find out what XML really means for the future of Web building.   URL:
Microsoft's XML Resources  - Complete information about Microsoft's support of the Extensible Markup Language (XML), including technical articles, XML parsers in C++ and Java, and information on XML vocabularies such as OSD and CDF.   URL:
The Gospel on XML from W3C  - The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML Architecture Specification. XML is a data format for structured document interchange on the Web. This is the navigational home page of XML, one of the activities of the W3C Architecture domain.   URL:
Webmonkey: xml collection  - XML - Learn about the language that has been called "the replacement for HTML." XML Specs, XML in practice, and a Background or XML.   URL:
Webmonkey: xml: Designing for the Future with XML  - XML will bring us a Web of incredible value, as long as we start planning to evolve now. It's a problem Web designers face every day. Your pages look great, they exploit the latest cutting-edge Web technologies, and they even offer simplified versions for the older browsers still in use today. You've reached the holy grail of Web publishing - a shining example of an intelligently designed Web site. Then version X of browser Y featuring technology Z comes along. Suddenly, you're faced with the unenviable and all-too-common task of retooling the dozens (or hundreds, or thousands) of pages on your site. "We're falling behind!" reads the frantic email from some vice president of Big Words. "Go look at www.we' They've completely redesigned!" What do you do? 11 May 1998.   URL:
Webmonkey: xml: Introduction to XML  - Join Jay as he explains the basics of this new markup language and why it's so sexy. Delicious recipes also included, no extra charge! 13 October 1998   URL:
Webmonkey: xml: XML Attributes and Entities  - Just what exactly do ATTLIST and ENTITY mean? Jay explains these useful components of XML and feels better about himself in the process. 12 November 1998.   URL:
XML Developer Central  - It's difficult to overstate the significance of XML. For decades, information technologists have been struggling through early attempts like ASCII character encoding and SGML to find a flexible, extensible way to represent structured data in a way that would be independent of application, platform, and vendor. eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is the answer!   URL:
ZDNET: d e v h e a d -- XML  - XML Portal page with lots of articles.   URL:

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