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Allaire: ColdFusion Technical Tips  - A couple of good tips such as: When checking the value of a string, it is almost twice as fast to use the function "CompareNoCase" instead of using the more obvious "is" comparison.   URL:
CF Tips  - Here are various tips that may be of interest to CF developers. They represent lessons learned, tricks, or warnings regarding use of Cold Fusion.   URL:
Cold Fusion Code Factory  - Here are some of Cold Fusion Tips that I would like to share with you.   URL:
Cold Fusion Tips-N-Tricks  - The following is a list of tips &amp; tricks that I've learned and decided to share with others to help them in any projects they may be working on. Feel free to use them as you deem fitting. -John Bartlett   URL: - Tips  - Good list of ColdFusion Tip sites.   URL:
Search Engine Friendly CF  - One challenge with CF database driven sites is that search engines tend to not index sites with ?'s in URLs. Many refuse to index sites with non htm/html extensions. To address this, one can use CGI.PATH_INFO or CGI.SCRIPTNAME.   URL:
Static pages, NOT! - Forum Topic by Ben Forta  - Here's is a trick that might benefit some of you ... Cold Fusion's biggest claim to fame is it's dynamic web page generation. However, as the URL usually has a query portion to it (anything after the ? is the QUERY_STRING) most search engines and spiders refuse to index these pages. If you want these pages indexed, query strings can't be used. So, here's a workaround. You can embed parameters into the PATH_INFO portion on the URL. Any path information after the name of the file to execute or process (the CFM) file ends up in the CGI variable PATH_INFO. And you can use this to construct variable on the fly. So, suppose you had a template that took a parameter rec_id, you could use this URL: http://servername/record.cfm?rec_id=12345 Or, you could use the URL: http://servername/record.cfm/12345 In the latter, the PATH_INFO variable would contain /12345 and you could use that information to construct a rec_id variable on the fly. This way your pages will be indexes by spiders.   URL:
Systemanage: CF Tips ***** - Here are various tips that may be of interest to CF developers. They represent lessons learned, tricks, or warnings regarding use of Cold Fusion.   URL:

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