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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Programming Languages\ Visual Basic\ VB & ASP 

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15 Seconds : Creating a Server Component with Visual Basic  - This article is primarily for Active Server Pages (ASP) developers who would like to take their ASP skills a step further. By bundling ASP code into server-side components, developers not only increase Visual Basic functionality and ASP speed, but also find a marvelous way to encapsulate and protect their ASP source code. I will walk you through the process of developing a very simple server-side ActiveX ASP component. The emphasis will be on the steps it takes to produce a server-side Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file, not on complex ASP scripting or advanced VB code.   URL:
15 Seconds : Handling Arrays Between ASP and COM  - As Visual Basic (VB) components become more and more pervasive on the Web application development landscape, we are forced to code with more structure in this environment than ever before. No longer is the slick code for our webs restricted to our webs; business objects have made short work of distributing these solutions. We have to plan for this use.   URL:
Designing ASP Files within Visual Basic, MIND April 1998 **** - Ever pull your hair out trying to write an Active Server Page? Dave Cline shows how easy it can be when you use the Visual Basic IDE.   URL:
MSDN - Visual Basic Object Model  - Active Server Pages (ASP) implements classes that enable your component to access the properties and methods of the ASP built-in objects. The ObjectContext object exposes methods that return an interface to one of the ASP built-in objects. Your component can use these interfaces to access the methods and properties of the built-in objects. The following table lists the built-in object classes.   URL:

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