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Levels of Selectivity

Note: Participants in the Cooperative Acquisitions Programs for India may limit their acquisitions by defining levels of selectivity which have been established for a number of the more prolific subject categories as well as for belles-lettres in several Indian languages. The following guidelines explain the criteria used in the office to assign books to the different levels available.

Selective Set - First Priority

General Description: Here are included the best books on the subject, those which are likely to be of interest to the largest number of South Asian academic programs, no matter what their individual teaching and research emphases might be, and to the largest number of users within those programs.

Scholarly and Bibliographic Considerations: Books are substantial new contributions to learning by authors who are considered authorities in the area. Usually, books will be published by distinguished trade publishers, or by specialized publishers of great repute in their field, or are sponsored by major academic, governmental, international or private institutions. Research books will usually be accompanied by references, bibliographies and indexes. Creative works and books of literary criticism will have been favorably reviewed, or are by internationally known or by senior established authors. Reference works will be by recognized authorities in the field, will be comprehensive and constitute a worthy addition to the available reference tools in the subject. Biographies and autobiographies will be by/about internationally known figures, or persons who have had a major impact in the national scene and contribute new knowledge, new insights, or new interpretations of their subjects' life and contributions.

Importance of subject in the country or in the context of US-India relations: Included here will be substantial or influential books which cover topics of great current interest either in the context of Indian national life or of India's relations with the US. Also included will be highly controversial works on subjects or issues which dominate the national life or the bilateral agenda, especially if they have had broad coverage in the Indian press or if their authors represent significant minorities or are likely to influence public opinion or government policy.

Distribution: Libraries subscribing to the Selective level of coverage will receive only the books assigned to this category.

Representative Set - Second Priority

General Description: Here are included books which, although not basic to knowledge and scholarship on the subject, are still important enough as to likely be considered of interest by the majority of South Asian academic programs.

Scholarly and Bibliographic Considerations: Books are important contributions to learning by authors with good scholarly or professional credentials. Works will be more narrowly focused than in the selective category. They may be published by first rung publishers and institutions, or, more often, by publishers less consistently attentive to quality, or who tend to publish works by less well known authors and scholars. Production of regional academic presses and state level gov ernment or private institutions, if not outstanding contributions, will be provided at this level. Bibliographic apparatus may be less comprehensive or up to date. Creative works or books of literary criticism will be by/about established authors within the different literary traditions. Biographies and autobiographies will be by/about nationally known figures, or persons who have had a major impact at the state or regional levels.

Importance of subject in the country or in the context of US-India relations: Controversial works on topics of great current interest either in the context of Indian national life or of its relations with the US will be distributed at this level. These books will increase understanding of minority issues, local conflicts or subjects which are on the bilateral agenda, even when their ability to influence public opinion or government policy is likely to be minimal.

Distribution: Libraries subscribing to the Representative level of coverage will receive the books distributed under this category plus all the books distributed under the Selective category.

Comprehensive Set - Third Priority

General Description: Here are included books of narrow focus and likely limited interest which will have a place in libraries with very comprehensive collections on the subject.

Scholarly and Bibliographic Considerations: Books constitute limited contributions to scholarship by less well known authors, or interesting contributions by non-scholars or specialists. They are usually very specialized and narrowly focused. Belles-lettres and literary criticism are by/about lesser known authors but on interesting or unusual themes, or by "first time" authors deemed collectible. Theses, published reports of research, conference papers on very specialized subjects will be distributed here if not selected for the microfiche program. Biographies and autobiographies of lesser regional figures if they contribute to the understanding of the region or the area of activity of the subject of the book will be distributed at this level.

Importance of subject in the country or in the context of US-India relations: Highly controversial and propagandistic works on subjects of current interest in the context of Indian national life or of its relations with the US will be included here. A sample of books which illustrate the viewpoints and arguments of the "fringes" of opinion in the country will also be collected at this level.

Distribution: Libraries subscribing to the Comprehensive level of coverage will receive all books selected for the program in all three levels.

Related Topics:
General Information About the Cooperative Acquisitions Program | How to Join the Cooperative Acquisitions Programs| Cost Estimates for English Publications from India

Library of Congress
Comments: New Delhi Office (September 17, 2008)