Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Transport Revenues

07.1 - Charter and special ‑ passenger
07.2 - Charter and special ‑ property

02.1 - Mail ‑ United States , priority
02.2 - Mail ‑ United States , nonpriority
02.1, 02.2 - Mail ‑ United States , adjustments  

03 - Mail ‑ Foreign
03 - Mail ‑ Foreign, adjustments

19.1 - Other ‑ Reservations cancellation fees
19.9 - Other ‑ Aerial photography and advertising
19.9 - Other ‑ Service charges for nonrevenue passengers

01.1 - Passenger ‑ First Class
01.2 - Passenger ‑ Coach
01.1, 01.2 - Passenger ‑ Fees for unscheduled stops on scheduled flights
01.1, 01.2 - Passenger ‑ Refunds and adjustments

06.1 - Property ‑ express
06.2 - Property ‑ freight
06.3 - Property ‑ excess baggage
06.1, 06.2, 06.3 - Property ‑ refunds and adjustments