Library of Congress Office - Islamabad, Pakistan

Mission of the Islamabad, Pakistan Office

The mission of the Islamabad office is to identify, acquire, and catalog materials from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. It thereby contributes to the mission of the Library of Congress, viz., "to make its resources available and useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations."

The office uses as its guidelines the Library's Collections Policy Statements. It keeps abreast of the current needs of the collections by communicating regularly with the Library's African and Middle Eastern Division as well as the Law Library, the Congressional Research Service, and other custodial divisions. 

The office also manages a Cooperative Acquisitions Program (CAP) on behalf of American and Canadian libraries and other research institutions where conventional acquisitions methods are not effective.

Library of Congress
Comments: Islamabad Office ( December 1, 2008 )