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Exchange and Gift Program

(Last update 03/13/2008)

The Cairo office acquires on an exchange basis publications from government and non-government agencies, scientific and cultural institutions in Egypt and the other countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Through this Exchange and Gift Program the office acquires books, serials, maps, pamphlets, videos, sound recordings etc. which are not available from commercial sources thus enriching the collections of the Library of Congress in Washington.

The Cairo office acquires exchange publications from institutions in nineteen countries in the Middle East and North Africa. These are:

Country Institutions
Algeria 20
Bahrain 14
Egypt 400
Jordan 25
Kuwait 20
Lebanon 33
Libya 3
Mauritania 20
Morocco 22
Oman 10
Qatar 11
Saudi Arabia 63
Sudan 52
Syria 43
Tunisia 46
Turkey 38
United Arab Emirates 14
West Bank 40
Yemen 35

Institutional publishers located in the countries named above can choose to donate or exchange their publications with the Cairo office. The office offers in exchange, library materials that are in excess of its needs (duplicates) and selected Library of Congress and other U.S. Government publications. The office creates lists of materials in English and Arabic in different subjects available to these institutions and distributes them on a regular basis.

The Library of Congress maintains continuing exchanges of library materials with different exchange partners through its Duplicate Materials Exchange Program (DMEP). Exchange partners will be able to select exchange materials online via the Exchange Librarian who selects from subject lists of available materials and send the order to Washington. Books are then packed and shipped to the Cairo Office, were the Cairo Office send the materials to the exchange partners according to the subjects of interests of each exchange partner.

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Library of Congress

Comments: Cairo Office (03/13/2008)