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Research Library Newsletter
August 2003

Table of Contents

Web tutorial for SciSearch® Plus

SciSearch Plus logo Interested in getting the most out of SciSearch® Plus? The SciSearch Plus interface has many great features that you may not be familiar with. There is now a quick, self-paced tutorial, available at the bottom of the main Search screen.

Take this tutorial to learn the basics of navigating the general and cited interfaces to the information you need. Using the arrows located in the upper and lower right corners, choose from general search, cited search/browse, preferences, and output.

Lou Pray

Electronic book series from SpringerLink

Over 1000 electronic books in 23 book series published by Springer-Verlag are now available to LANL researchers from their desktop. If you are accustomed to using the printed book versions of titles in the series listed below, you may want to try using the online PDF versions available from SpringerLink.

To browse the book series, use the "Browse" link at the top, then de-select journals and you will get an alphabetical list of all the book series. For each series, volumes are listed newest ones first. There is a Table of Contents for each volume and each article/chapter appearing in the Table of Contents has its own web page with bibliographic information, abstract, keywords, navigational links to previous and next articles in the volume, and a button to open the full-text PDF version of the article.

You can personalize your access at the SpringerLink website -- see the FAQ page at SpringerLink for details. Personalization includes Table of Contents and Keyword alerts and the ability to access your own Favorites list.

NOTE: The SpringerLink website represents the most exhaustive place to search for and retrieve articles/chapters from these series since it offers searching by volume or by individual article. In the LANL Library Catalog you can search by volume. For some of these series you can find articles using SciSearch Plus or other LANL Research Library databases.

As volumes in these series are made electronically available, they will be announced in the Library's weekly What's New list irrespective of their original publication date.

Springer book series to which the Research Library subscribes:

This list can also be found on the LANL Research Library's Electronic Books web page. Please send questions or comments to the Library at 667-5809 or library@lanl.gov.

Irma Holtkamp

The Merck Index

The Merck Index contains 10,250 monographs describing significant chemicals, drugs, and biological substances. Search possibilities include trademarks, CAS numbers, molecular formulas, molecular weight, melting point, boiling point, and many more. Substructure searching is also a feature if you download a free chemical drawing package.

You can also look up organic name reactions in Merck. You can review what the "Janovsky Reaction' is and locate the original source plus reviews that have appeared in the chemical literature.

Questions/comments please email strbl-chemobj@lanl.gov

Frances Knudson

Backfiles for the journal Synthesis are now available

The LANL Research Library has made the complete archives for the journal Synthesis available in full-text at your desktop. The Synthesis backfiles from Volume 1, Issue 1, 1969 to 1994 are available from the E-journals web page as well as linked through the databases such as SciSearch Plus.

Synthesis is an international journal devoted to the advancement of the science of synthetic chemistry, covering all fields of organic chemistry, such as organometallic, organoheteroatom, medicinal, biological, and photochemistry, but also related disciplines. Synthesis publishes reviews, articles, practical synthetic procedures, alerts on new reagents and catalysts as well as developments on established reagents and book reviews.

Carol Hoover

You spoke and we listened

Recently the Research Library interviewed many library users to see what future knowledge discovery tools would best assist researchers in their work.

We learned that these five areas below are where LANL customers would like to see us expand our R&D efforts:

1) Access to all LANL materials online (LA-URs, shot data, etc.)
2) Access to classic works online
3) Online data centralization
4) Advanced searching techniques
5) Competitive Intelligence

Thanks to all of you who took time to respond to us about your future needs. We are working on ways to address these areas. To help us with the #1 request ("Access to all LANL materials online"), please respond to lpray@lanl.gov with examples of Los Alamos materials that we currently lack or that you find difficult to locate easily. Thanks in advance!

Lou Pray

Standards online: new search features and training

The LANL Research Library has a subscription to IHS Specs and Standards which includes full text of ANSI and numerous society standards, the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, DOD Military Specs and Standards, and DOD Adopted Industry Standards. It also offers an index to over 568,000 industry standards and related documents written by 450+ standards developing organizations.

A new version of the search software provides enhanced searching of the full text as well as the abstract. Initial results can be refined. You may personalize your screen by first registering and then creating personal document lists, saving searches, viewing previous documents from session to session, and ordering/viewing the full text when the standard falls outside the LANL subscription.

IHS is planning to offer WebX training at your desktop to learn how to use these enhanced features. If you are interest in being notified about upcoming WebX training, please contact Jeane Strub at jstrub@lanl.gov .

The old version for searching will be going away shortly so become familiar with the enhanced searching now.

Jeane Strub

Keep up with the latest Department of Homeland Security appointees with the Leadership Library®

Leadership Library® on the Internet, the online version of the Federal Yellow Book and other "yellow books," allows you to keep up with newly appointed and confirmed members of the Federal government. The Research Library is offering a free trial of Leadership Library® on the Internet through September 30. Send e-mail to library@lanl.gov for an ID and password.

Here is the latest on members of the Department of Homeland Defense, from Yellow Books Insight, the e-mail newsletter of new developments from Yellow Books and Leadership Directories:

June 3, 2003:
Appointment, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism
President Bush announced the appointment of Frances Fragos Townsend as Deputy Assistant to the President and ! Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism, within the Executive Office of the President. Ms. Townsend will serve on the staff of the National Security Council and report to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. She will also report to the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security with respect to matters relating to global terrorism in the United States.

June 18, 2003:
Nomination, Director, Office for Domestic Preparedness, Department of Homeland Security
President Bush nominated C. Suzanne Mencer to be Director of the Office of Domestic Preparedness at the Department of Homeland Security. This is a new position.

June 24, 2003:
Confirmation, Director, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security
The Senate confirmed Eduardo Aguirre, Jr. as Director of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Service at the Department of Homeland Security. This is a new position.

June 24, 2003:
Confirmation, Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning, Border and Transportation Security, Department of Homeland Security
The Senate confirmed C. Stewart Verdery, Jr., as Assistant Secretary of Policy and Planning, Border and Transportation Security, within the Department of Homeland Security. This is a new position.

June 25, 2003:
Confirmation, Under Secretary, Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection, Department of Homeland Security
The Senate confirmed Frank Libutti as Under Secretary for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection at the Department of Homeland Security. This is a new position.

June 30, 2003:
Nomination, Assistant Secretary for Plans, Programs and Budgets, Department of Homeland Security
President Bush nominated Penrose Carballo Albright to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Plans, Programs and Budgets. This is a new position.

Please send your comments to eteam@lanl.gov.

Carol Hoover

New electronic journals from the Research Library

The following new electronic journals have been added to the library collection and are available from your desktop:

Biology and Medicine
Avian Diseases
Economic Botany
EHP Toxicogenetics
Epidemiologic Reviews

American Ceramic Society Bulletin
ASHRAE Journal (see E-journals web page for ID/password)
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

Environment and Earth Science
American Journal of Science

Research on Language and Computation

Mathematics and Computer Science
AI Magazine
Integral Equations and Operator Theory
Journal of Grid Computing


Search engines: Google News gets better

If you have not used the Google News feature yet, you might try the new "Advanced News Search" which is currently in test phase and only covers June/July 2003. With over 4,500 news sources the opportunity of retrieving too many items is almost assured.

The Advanced Search page starts with the usual Google boxes for keywords (all the words, exact phrase, etc.) but then provides boxes for additional filters especially useful for searching news . You can restrict to a specific news source, another box allows you to request sources from specific geographic areas—handy if you want rugby scores or the real dirt on the cleaning of the David in Florence. To enable even further narrowing of your search, and extremely helpful because of the structure of news stories, you can use a pull-down box to choose where your terms should be found: in the headline, body, URL or anywhere in the article. Additional boxes allow limiting by date or perhaps to the last hour or last day. If you are tracking a breaking event this could be the right tool for the task.

Donna Berg


If you have comments or suggestions for other topics you would like to see covered in this newsletter, pease send your ideas to the Newsletter Editor.

Want to be notified of new issues?

To receive an e-mail with the Table of Contents when each new issue of the LANL Research Library Newsletter is available, please enter your Z number or your e-mail address:

Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg, Helen Boorman, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Editor, Kathy Varjabedian.


Los Alamos National Laboratory