LANL Research Library Newsletter - October 1998

UPCOMING: There will be an Open House at the Research Library on Friday, October 16th from 3-5 p.m., with remarks by co-host Director John Browne, demonstrations of library resources, and refreshments.


Journal browsing now available for Elsevier electronic journals

The Research Library now offers the capabilities to browse online through issues of electronic journals published by Elsevier Science. The Library currently subscribes to 313 Elsevier electronic journals. Articles from these journals have been available to customers via links within our citation databases (SciSearch, INSPEC, DOE Energy, and BIOSIS). The new browser software provides improved access to these journals; you can go directly to a journal title from the Electronic Journals web page. Clicking on the journal title link like the one below from the Alphabetical or Subject listing will bring up a list of browseable issues.

(Try this link if you want to sample the browse now!)

    Annals of Nuclear Energy
Holdings: V.22, no.1- (Jan.1995- )
Articles linked in DOE Energy at LANL, INSPEC� at LANL , SciSearch� at LANL

The WWW link, which appears in articles from the journal within a database, will also lead to the journal browse.

Once you are within the journal browser, it is easy to browse between issues or through a single issue's Table of Contents; article abstracts are available by clicking on the article title.

journal browse example (13 KB)

Full-text PDF articles are available for all the issues listed.  An article can be retrieved by clicking on the PDF link from the issue Table of Contents or by clicking on the PDF icon from the article abstract.

Miriam Blake
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New journals need your feedback!

Please stop by the Research Library to review the new journals that are on display. Journals are only added to the collection when they have positive comments from staff members. If you would like to suggest new titles for consideration please contact Donna Berg at 667-4175 or

Titles now on display are:

  • California Management Review
  • Journal of Financial Engineering
  • Journal of Group Theory
  • Remanjan Journal
  • Journal of Soil Contamination
  • Journal of Computational Intelligence in Finance
  • Journal of Combinatorial Design
  • Journal of Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology
  • Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis
  • Journal of Elasticity
  • Wildfire
  • Fire Rescue
  • EMS Rescue Technology
  • JEMS Journal of Emergency Medical Services

Donna Berg
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Journal editors needed

The Research Library is creating a list of Laboratory staff who are editors of sci/tech journals. We would like to be able to call on their expertise during this exciting period of change in the publishing world to the electronic model.

The Library has facilitated the acquisition of over 1200 journal titles that are now available electronically at your desktop. Many of the articles are enhanced by hyperlinking to additional data, access to computer software and multimedia. The Research Library has been a world leader in linking the full text/full image of articles directly to the index databases that are maintained locally.

The Research Library would like to offer unique opportunities to our local journal editors--the first being an invitation to an Open House in October that will be co-hosted by Director John Browne for new post-docs and newly hired staff members. The theme for the session is "Research and Publication." We hope there will be some editors available to talk with these young researchers about the importance of publication. We will also offer editors previews of new products and services such as databases, new journals, web sites, etc. Interested? Call or e-mail Donna Berg at 667-4175 or

Donna Berg
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New on the Library web pages

Check out the following additions to the Subject Resources pages on the Library web site:

General Reference:
Nobel Prize site - a searchable database of the prizes
Maps of LANL and Los Alamos - including locating buildings at LANL
Perpetual Calendar
Computer Science:
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
Programmer's oasis - extensive collection of links
Virus Encyclopedia
Los Alamos History:
Richard Feynman Page - links to information about and quotes by Richard Feynman.
Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes - made by advertisers, the media, reporters, politicians, etc.
The Geometry center at University of Minnesota
History of Mathematics
Online Particle Physics Information from SLAC at Stanford University

Kathy Varjabedian
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Hispanic Heritage Month: a few good books

Books about Hispanic information in the Research Library's collection are small in number, but rich in information. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated nationally from September 15 through October 15, 1998. Even after the events sponsored at the Lab during this special time have passed, employees still have the chance to come to the library to read about Hispanic information.

Some of the titles are full of statistical and directory information about Hispanics:

REF E184.S75 H567 1994     Hispanic Databook of U.S. Cities and Counties
REF E184.S75 S74 1993 Statistical Record of Hispanic Americans
REF F805.S75 N49 1992 New Mexico directory of Hispanic culture
REF E184.S75 H566 Hispanic Americans information directory

Others are books that can be read for pleasure:

MAIN  F804.L6 R68 1992      On Rims & Ridges: the Los Alamos Area Since 1880
REF  E169.1 .F375 1991 The Hispanic Presence in North America from 1492 to Today

On Rims & Ridges examines what happens when native cultures, Pueblo Indians and Hispanic pobladores (settlers), interact with Euro-American commercial interests. Hal Rothman, the author, wants us to see how the effects on the Pajarito Plateau reflect what could happen to the future of the American West.  The second title is an English translation of Presencia espanola en los Estados Unidos.

Eileen Vela
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Engineering Index� coming soon

Engineering Index� at LANL is being loaded at the Research Library for release at the end of the month.  This database makes engineering research information, currently available only in print or CD-ROM in the library, available at the desktop.  Engineering Index provides worldwide coverage of all areas of engineering, from 1969 to the present. The database has four million records of which half a million are for conference papers.  Links to electronic documents and library holdings will be included.

Engineering Index at LANL will be announced on the Library Home Page and linked on the Electronic Databases page.

Kathy Varjabedian
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National Science Policy Study available

House Speaker Newt Gingrich requested that the Science Committee conduct a review of national science policy and develop a new long-range science and technology policy. Science Committee Vice Chairman Vernon Ehlers lead this effort and the report is now available at a web site that includes information about the hearings, roundtables, guiding documents and statements that were used to formulate the study. Top priority for federal funding should be basic research--but the report warns that industry continues to shift emphasis toward development, not research.

Donna Berg
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SciSearch� at LANL Tip of the Month: SciSearch and BIOSIS

What's the difference between SciSearch� and BIOSIS� when searching the life sciences literature? SciSearch covers journal literature only, with 3,300 journals worldwide from 100 scientific disciplines and 700 journals from the Current Contents series of publications. BIOSIS indexes approximately 6,500 journals and 2,000 meetings/year, as well as books and other materials and contains 11 million records going back to 1969. SciSearch has 16 million records going back to 1974. There is overlap between the two databases. 45% of the publications covered by SciSearch are also covered in BIOSIS and 44% of the publications covered by BIOSIS are also in SciSearch. Cited reference searching is unique to SciSearch; it is not available in BIOSIS.

So for comprehensive retrieval, search both SciSearch and BIOSIS.

Jeane Strub
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Statistical highlight

E-journal articles:  As of the end of September, the Research Library has loaded 291,077 pdf files of electronic journal articles.   These come from journals published by Academic Press and Elsevier, and are linked to the articles in our bibliographic citation databases, such as SciSearch� at LANL and INSPEC� at LANL.

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Research Library October Training Schedule


Date Session & Description Time
10/7 GeoRef� on the Web 10:00-10:30
10/7 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
10/15 InfoSurfing: Basic Web Searching Strategies  2:00-4:00
10/20 Grants & Funding 11:00-11:30
10/21 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
10/27 SciSearch� Alerting Service 1:00-1:30
10/29 Environmental Web Resources 11:00-11:30

Classes are free. Pre-registration is appreciated. Register by email to or by calling the Library Service Desk at 7-5809. Please include your name, Z#, and the date and title of the session in your message.

Special classes and orientations can also be arranged; call 7-5809 for more information.

Susan Heckethorn
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Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg , Helen Boorman, Jack Carter, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

To receive electronic notice of new issues of the Research Library Newsletter, sent at the beginning of each month to your e-mail address, do the following:

  • Send an e-mail message to
  • Leave the subject line blank
  • The body of the message should contain the following two-line message exactly as shown:

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The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Editor, Kathy Varjabedian.

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