LANL Research Library Newsletter

March 1996

Did you know you can submit requests for information, literature searches, articles, books, reports, and photocopying from the Research Library's web page? To find out more call 7-5809 or go to the Request Forms page.
See end of Newsletter for publication and access information.

March 1996 Issue

Groups may not be fully aware of the many ways that the Research Library can aid staff members in their quest for increased productivity. The Research Library stands ready to give a brief overview at group meetings that cover the wealth of resources that staff can access right from their desktop.

For example, many staff members are unaware that they can search Science Citation Index at no charge from their office, send a list of desired journal citations to our electronic address ( and then have journal article photocopies sent or faxed to their office. Many researchers have also been surprised to learn that a current alerting service using the MELVYL database for either a particular subject or journal table of contents is available, for free, from their desktop.

These are but two examples of the many resources already available now that we believe are under utilized. Please send us electronic mail at to schedule a visit.

Rick Luce

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Several more full text databases are now available for searching on LIBNET, the Research Library's CD-ROM network. They are:

(1) The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th edition, is an exhaustive compilation of applied chemical science and industrial technology. The CD-ROM database available in the Research Library corresponds to the first nine volumes of the print equivalent and covers from "A" through "Expert Systems." As new volumes are published (25 are expected in all), the CD-ROM will be updated. Check in Kirk-Othmer for comprehensive information on coating processes, combustion, synthetic elastomers, electroplating, liquid separation adsorption, biopolymers, and many other topics.

(2) The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), contains the rules and regulations established by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. The CFR is divided into 50 "Titles" representing broad areas subject to federal regulation. While the print CFR is published annually, the CD-ROM equivalent is updated monthly. Once a regulation appearing in the Federal Register becomes effective, it is published in the Code of Federal Regulations.

(3) Full text of journals are available in the Computer Select database and the Business Periodicals Index. About 100 computing journals are full text in Computer Select while 400 journals with full images are available in BPI.

Stop by the library to use any of these full text electronic resources.

Jeane Strub

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If you search the Research Library's online catalog or the databases also available via the catalog search engine (Business Periodicals, DOE's Energy Science and Technology), you will notice certain improvements since a recent upgrade. When searching the databases, many of the records contain abstracts that summarize the articles or reports. To view this abstract, a system message appears next to the ABSTRACT field with the instructions: SEE DETAILED DISPLAY, which is an option at the bottom of the screen. Previously, one had to know to select DETAILED DISPLAY to see the full record, including the abstract.

Similarly, if the record you are viewing contains a URL (i.e., Uniform Resource Locator -- an electronic file address on the Web) meaning the citation is available full-image, a system message appears next to the ELECTRONIC FILE field with the instructions SEE DETAILED DISPLAY FOR URL. >From the detailed display you can just copy and paste the URL into a web-browser to see the full-image of the document. (Note to those with PC workstations with Windows: the only way to copy from the online catalog is to highlight the text in the record, select the EDIT option at the top of the catalog window, and then click on COPY.)

Also, thanks to some revised algorithms, the speed of searching has been improved. The Research Library is committed to providing as many resources as possible right at your desktop. We welcome feedback about our products. Please send any comments for improvements to the online catalog to

Lou Pray

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The results of the Research Library's first customer survey of our products and services are now in. We sent out the survey to one-quarter of our Laboratory customer base of 2,400 as part of what will be an on-going quarterly survey process. We asked 24 questions to which our customers could give one of the following responses: "Delighted," "Satisfied", "Unsatisfied," or "Do Not Know About." Here are the results from tabulating all the responses:

271 (16%) -- Delighted
947 (55%) -- Satisfied
136 (8%) -- Unsatisfied
350 (21%) -- Did not know about and/or use a particular product or service

In the near future, a full report will be sent to all customers who received a survey. It will include major issues identified and some proposed solutions. The report will also be available at the Research Library and from the Research Library's Web site and Newsletter. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond. Questions and comments are welcome and should be directed to Sue Watkins, 665-8072 or

Sue Watkins

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Every month the Research Library adds valuable information for its users through its Web site. Check out the exciting new links added over the past month by going directly to the New on Our Page area of our Web site.

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Newsletter Editor: Ken Collins

To receive an electronic subscription to the Research Library Newsletter, sent the first of each month to your e-mail address, do the following:

1) Send an e-mail message to
2) Leave the subject line blank
3) The body of the message should contain the following two-line message exactly as shown:

subscribe lib-news end

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter editor, KEN COLLINS

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