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In response to user requests for a Model AQP Database, a relational database was developed by the Voluntary Safety Programs Branch, AFS-230. The database employs a graphical user interface with drag-and-drop capability and dual-window layout to support easier data access and manipulation. It supports use in a networked environment will serve multiple users. Its AQP Program Audit Database (PADB) features include sophisticated search tools, revision control, flexible data sharing across analyses, cross-program data sharing, and some user customization of reports.

The most significant feature of the database is the inclusion of a Performance/Proficiency Database (PPDB) that is integrally linked to the PADB. These links enable carriers to utilize the feedback mechanisms specified by the AQP Advisory Circular to identify curriculum modifications, based on crew performance data, needed to provide more effective and efficient training.

Additional features supported by the PPDB include data entry tools that support data quality checking, multiple data entry templates to support different approaches to data collection, and a canned set of reports for assessing training program effectiveness. Should the user wish to access data in a format not supported by the canned reports, the PPDB’s flexible user interface enables users to frame their own questions so as to access the desired subset of data in a format appropriate for each question. This flexibility enables users to answer a vast range of questions about their training program, including validating training materials, events, and media.

Pilot proficiency training is enhanced by the use of a drill-down capability that can be used by instructors and evaluators to identify specific causes of substandard student performance and supplemental or remedial training that could be used to bring performance to the desired proficiency level. This drill-down capability enables the user to move from the specific qualification standard or event on which a problem was observed back to the task activities, knowledge and skills, linked to the qualification standard or event that may be the source of the weakness. Performance on qualification standards and events that share the weak task or skill can then be reviewed to determine if there is a pattern of weakness beyond that initially observed.

Finally, the PPDB provides outputting of performance data that must be sent to the FAA each month, together with reports that support the delivered data.

In addition to the relational database, AFS-230 has developed comprehensive examples in Microsoft Word format of all of the documentation required by the FAA for each phase of AQP development. The Model AQP database and/or the Microsoft Word versions of AQP documentation are available on request at no charge to any U.S. airline that has applied for AQP by directly contacting the Voluntary Safety Programs Branch, AFS-230, Attn: Dr. Douglas Farrow, email: douglas.farrow@faa.gov, phone: 703-661-0268.

Updated: 2:13 pm ET September 18, 2006